Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Pros and cons essay sample

Pros and cons essay sample

htm29 March Pros of Online Classes Excelling in an online world Online classes have numerous pros and cons, pros and cons essay sample. Health Care Career. For example, the death penalty is neither racist nor is it cruel and unusual punishment. The inclusion of special-needs students within the regular curriculum allows special-needs services to be delivered by paraprofessionals instead of relying exclusively on dedicated special needs educators. Crimea became part of Ukraine as part of a transfer during the Soviet era.

�� List of Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Topics

Pros and Cons of Financial Grants to a Non-Profit Organization Non-profit organizations operate for many varying reasons, pros and cons essay sample. These not-for-profit groups must seek funds from numerous sources, including government grants, foundation grants, and private donations. Though each may help the non-profit organization meet its financial goals, each have their own benefits and drawbacks to the organization. When a non-profit group is searching for a grant, one source it may turn to is the local, pros and cons essay sample, state, or federal governments.

When the government gives money to non-profit organizations in the form of grants it does not request that the money be repaid. One drawback to receiving or attempting to receive money pros and cons essay sample the government is that it has very strict policies on how the money is able to be used. The government often requires a non-profit organization to have one of three types of benefits in order to consider giving money to the…. References Lazarevski, K. The effect of funding changes on public sector nonprofit organizations: the case of bushcare nsw. Government grants for non profits - a practical example of federal funding. Private and foundation grants. Abortion remains a political issue, in spite of the fact the Supreme Court decision in that ensured the rights of women to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

Wade reflects core Constitutional principles, ranging from the right to privacy invoked by the Supreme Court justices in the decision, to the tradition of separating matters of Church and State in American politics. When it comes to abortion, there are essentially no real pros and cons; the debate mainly centers on whether or not abortion should be legal or not. Abortion is not something that women look forward to, but it is a procedure that ensures that unwanted children are not brought into the world unnecessarily. Abortion rights are essentially the rights of an individual to not carry an unwanted child to term.

No one is "pro" abortion, but someone may be "pro" choice. An abortion is a procedure to terminate…. References Ahman, E. Unsafe abortion. WHO Document number Abortion and original meaning. Constitutional Commentary 24 Cockrill, K. Abortion patients' perceptions of abortion regulation. Women's Health Issues 20 1 : Donohue, J. The impact of legal abortion on crime. Quarterly Journal of Economics CVXI 2. Death Penalty An issue as divisive as the death penalty has many arguments in its favor and many against it. Sorting through these different arguments to find a reasonable conclusion to either support the death penalty or not can be challenging. In terms of favoring the death penalty, pros and cons essay sample, there are two main themes, pros and cons essay sample, the deterrence theme and the retribution theme Gill, Some pros pros and cons essay sample Death penalties act as a deterrent for some Death penalties act to punish those who commit heinous acts The death penalty is more cost-effective than keeping someone in prison for life Violation of the social contract to behave with civility towards one another rules out one's right to civil treatment from society Prevents future crimes Some cons of the death penalty are: The right to life is sacred and no one should take it, governments included Moral hazard in choosing who lives and dies The….

References: Bright, S. In defense of life: Enforcing the Bill of Rights on behalf of the poor, minority and disadvantaged persons facing the death penalty. Yale Law School. Death Penalty Information Center. Pros and cons of the death penalty. htm Manski, C. Deterrence and the death penalty: partial identification analysis using repeated cross sections. Institute for Policy Research Northwestern University Working Paper Series. Vmware Pros and Cons of VM Ware Over the last several years, the marketplace for servers and virtual machines has become an avenue many technology firms are focusing on. This is because these large devices are used to store tremendous amounts of data for cloud computing.

One of the biggest companies is VMware. Founded inthey have transformed how various products and services are delivered to cliental utilizing their computers, platforms and applications. Standard and Poor's, Kerravala, However, other organizations are entering the sector in order to become dominate and take market share away from VMware. The most notable is Microsoft. They see the tremendous amounts of opportunity and the ability to become a major player by offering alternative choices. This is from VM being unable to offer solutions which can be horizontally integrated with other platforms.

The result is that earnings have become very volatile and…. References Advantages of Using VMware. html The Benefits of VMware. Pros and cons essay sample of Illinois. html CIO Survey Reveals Weaknesses. html VMware. Yahoo Finance. private vs. public defense Anyone who has been charged in the court of law automatically needs to some form of legal representation. Pros and cons essay sample defense lawyers therefore represent those people who have been charged with crime. However there is a difference in the criminal defense lawyers there are those ones that work on their own as private defense lawyers and others are public defense team.

In some constitutions it is stated that everyone is permitted to be represented by an attorney be it a public defender or a private attorney. Any lawyer can represent a person in court but public defense lawyers specifically offer to their clients experience and knowledge that is only available through their daily practice in the criminal defense law. Public defenders are lawyers who have been appointed to represent people who are not in a financial position to hire an attorney to represent them. Public defense agencies…. References My DUIattorney, DUI Cases: Pubic Defenders vs. Private Attorneys. html Mia, D. Who is Better: Public Defenders or Private criminal defense Attorneys? Definition of a Criminal Defense Lawyer.

The Museum of Modern Art MoMA has encompassed within its walls some of the most cutting-edge works of art ever created, spanning many decades and many art movements. Its own design has striven to be equally revolutionary in terms of its conceptualization. However, pros and cons essay sample, like many museums, it has found itself accused of elitism quite frequently because of the costs of admission. Still, according to its website: "the Museum of Modern Art is committed to being the most welcoming museum in New York, and to bringing art and people together more effectively than ever before.

Works Cited "Building for the future: A work in progress. Health Care The overall health care industry has undergone fundamental change over the last decade. Most of the changes have occurred within the underlying business operation of the healthcare industry. Pros and cons essay sample changes will ultimately effect nursing administration as it continues to evolve and innovate. Legislation in particular has had a profound impact on the pros and cons essay sample care industry. First, due to the Affordable Care Act ofthe nursing profession is undergoing a fundamental shift in regards to the patient experience.

The U. health care system is now shifting the focus from acute and specialty care to that of primary care which requires a shift in business operations. Also, due primarily to that aging of the baby boomer generation, the need for primary car overall is shifting and will be needed heavily in the future. The last 10 years in particular has seen an increasing influx of retiring baby boomers that…. References: 1 Draper, Elaine, Joseph LaDou, and Dan J. Washington, DC: American Association pros and cons essay sample Colleges of Nursing 3 Levsey, K, pros and cons essay sample.

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow; Challenges in Securing Federal Support for Graduate Nurses. Journal of Nursing Education, 46 44 Lucia, Patricia R. Legalizing "Soft Drugs": Marijuana's Effect on Cognitive Functioning A continuing argument about the legalization of soft drugs such as marijuana, also known as cannabis is still much under debate. This work in writing intends to examine both the pros and cons to this issue, as the issues relate to the textbook content. Specifically examined will be the effect of marijuana on cognitive functioning. The work of Hart, et al. The study involved eighteen research volunteers who were healthy individuals and who smoked on the average of 24 marijuana cigarettes each week, pros and cons essay sample.

Marijuana was reported to significantly increase the number of premature responses and the time participants needed to complete…. Bibliography Hart, CL, et al. html ack Smoking Marijuana Impairs Cognitive Function in MS Patients, pros and cons essay sample, Study Shows Science Daily. htm Solowij, N. Mandatory Continuing Nursing Education There is a rapid expansion of techniques and knowledge in the field of health. esearchers James Morrison, James Kelly and Carl Lindsay have pros and cons essay sample that the half-life of knowledge gotten in school of medicine is about 5 years.

importance of religion essay

All of these factors were critical to the success of the system. The cons of this modeling approach were the lack of precision on pricing ands the ability to model the more finely-tuned aspects of the programs. There was not enough data to create a profitability measurement and the use of constraint modeling at times could leave out the more unpredictable aspects of the marketing mix. While the virtual marketplace proved effective for testing message, media and defining audience, it lacks the precision necessary for making long-term, highly…. Importance of Technology Now-a-days, technology has revolutionized everything that is happening around the world and most of the people are heavily dependent on modern technology.

Since people are relying more on technological gadgets, it has been observed that there has been decline in various skills especially writing, communication and critical thinking skills. As technological gadgets such as laptops, computers, iPads, iPhones and tablets have become a vital part of everyone's life, people are making less use of their ideas and relying on suggestions made by these technological software. There is no denial of the fact that technology in various cases has made lives simpler for people but there are numerous consequences associated with each technological development which becomes evident after years of…. Should humans strive to preserve a representative sample of all biomes or aquatic zones?

Why should humans be concerned with the extinction rate? Disregard for the conservation of the earth's biomes is an example of how human ignorance and hubris can result in irreversible environmental destruction. At any particular point in time, human beings cannot be certain that they know all they will ever need to know about the environment, about the potential benefits that may still be derived from ecological habitats. The perfect workings of the earth's biomes cannot be understood from the perspective of a demos that is not schooled in science, biology, ecology, geology, and other natural sciences. In their ignorance or negligence, human beings continue to rapidly bring devastation and irreversible pollution on the global natural environment. An important consideration is….

Typically with software applications that have large customer bases that are satisfied and pleased with the application, there is a very broad base of success stories. After completing a pros and cons analysis of DacEasy it is understandable why there are not that many solid customer references for this application. Pros Sage has done an excellent job of designing in usability and ease of navigation with these series of applications; they are intuitive and quickly learned. Excellent support and help desk support. Sage has been experiencing lower sales and lack of renewals so they are charging for tier 1 support today.

Strong at Point of Sale basic functions and retail transaction support. Accounting Module supports the core functional areas of budgets, cash flow, Income Statements and Balance Sheets. Cons Lack of customer references is a warning sign of a lack of customer satisfaction or that the application is not meeting…. Drug treatment represents only part of the equation to combat drug-related crime. Alternatives to the war on drugs such as legalization, decriminalization and harm reduction may initially sound like they are more compassionate approaches to the drug problem, but the reality is that they won't work as shown by the Netherlands's experience with decriminalization of drugs.

The truth is that the war on drugs has accomplished a great deal more than these alternatives ever could and that Americans are a lot better off because of it. For all the reasons presented in this paper, the legalization of drugs is a really bad idea. Bibliography 10 main pros and cons on medical marijuana. htm Cromie, W. War on drugs a failure, Americans say. html Drug use trends , October Office…. web development is becoming more and more advanced than how it was several years ago. These days, the World Wide Web is already a venue where companies compete for gain in number of customer. Thus, the way they present their web sites is a very important factor and contributor to the success of their businesses. Among the web development tools that can create state-of-the-art web sites is the Macromedia's Flash.

In terms of design, functionalities, interactivity, and visual attributes, there is no doubt that Flash is a success. According to Mario Sanchez, from his article Flash Web Design: Pros and Cons, Flash is a powerful web technology that achieves a high level of visual impact from the graphical point-of-view. But, up to which extent does Flash Media make an efficient web site? Is it advisable to use an All-Flash web sites? Pros and Cons of Flash Web Sites The advantages…. Hate is in fact moving the modern society away from freedom and democracy, and it is imperative that remedial measures are taken immediately to combat this. Shulman, Some of the tools, other than legal options, can be education, and the promotion of social interaction between different groups. However, there are frequent criticisms of the law, stating that it is more 'reactive' than 'proactive', meaning that legal remedies are more often than not applied to actions that have already taken place, rather than preventing them, like for example, when a hate crime has already taken place, then the law can be applied.

However, the law is far above being just a punitive measure to be taken whenever necessary; law, in the form of legal sanctions, or human rights laws, or laws meant for immigration, or the law made by a judge, also known as 'common law', is primarily meant to…. Procurement and Contracting Process Assessment of procurement contracting process Travel Magazine is a newly established new magazine, specializes in printing out the news, articles, reports, guides, special offers and many more. Established on the first quarter of , the company targets its marketing campaign towards the middle-income population to achieve market advantages.

Over the past six months, the founding partners have spent great deal of time developing the Business Plan and Marketing Plan, setting up a corporation, and conducting research on the operating requirements of the magazine. Despite the efforts of the partners to enhance the company growth, the company has been affected by the recession because all the investing partners have not been able to contribute the additional capital and this has threatened company growth. Since all the partners have decided not to bring in other partners at this point, they both agree to scale back the company expenses….

Static stretching could be used as part of a warm-up for training Campbell Static stretching is thought to more directly enhance the athlete's flexibility in the long run, but it is less useful in acting as an aid towards immediate performance or increasing the body temperature of the athlete. The age and fitness goals of the athlete will also determine what method of stretching should be selected or emphasized. Researchers report that static stretching is two times more effective than dynamic range of motion DROM for this group of non-competitive athletes" Campbell The slower pace of static stretching may help the athletes focus on their problem areas before engaging in exertion, and it is less important that these athletes quickly engage in an athletic bout, as they are….

Document ID: Drucker, Peter F , February There's More Than One Kind of Team. Wall Street Journal Eastern Edition , p. Document ID: Nicki Hayes Improving engagement in a small business. Strategic Communication Management, 12 4 , Document ID: Yan Ling, Zeki Simsek, Michael H. Lubatkin, John F. The impact of transformational CEOs on the performance of small- to medium-sized firms: Does organizational context matter? Journal of Applied Psychology, 93 4 , Robert Manthey, William E. Pass the baton without missing a beat. Journal of Accountancy, 3 , Gerda Mihhailova Virtual Teams: Just a Theoretical Concept…. experience role conflict and stress as they begin practice in work environments of high complexity, nurse shortages, and expectations to become competent rapidly.

However, the majority of these new graduates will be educated at the associate degree in nursing level. The need to increase the number of nurses educated at the baccalaureate level is significant. Research has shown that…. Added to this is the challenge that the recidivism rates for gang members are significantly higher than non-gang members. According to Hughes , "gang members were almost 3. T heir gang membership in and of itself I. Social instability also includes an increased incidence of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Gang membership has been associated with an earlier onset of sexual intercourse. Increased unsafe safe practices also plagues gang members of all ethnicities, including Mexican-American gangs.

This leads to not only an increased chance of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, but also for early pregnancy or fathering a child. Morris et al. found that incarcerated youth gang members also more frequently reported suicidal ideation and suicide attempts cited in "Youth violence," With the technology available in today's economy, it is probable that education could go back to the days when students received more individualized instruction. There is no refuting that technology will continue to alter education Cornell, Socialization is the development of a sense of being self connected to a larger social world by way of learning and internalizing the values, beliefs, and norms of one's culture.

During socialization people learn to carry out certain roles as citizens, friends, lovers and workers. In the course of internalization our culture becomes second nature. People learn to behave in socially suitable and adequate ways. Some social institutions have precise roles in socializing the young and others have less deliberate but still powerful roles in the process. The mass media is a very influential socializing force. Media affects how people learn about the world and interact with each another. People often base most…. In addition, we might ask ourselves if the richer nations have or not a greater responsibility as far as the research and development in the area of sustainable energy are concerned. Reid, environmentalleader. com Believing that there are such energy sources or consumption policies which would allow the planet's resources to be maintained for a longer period, while making sure that all the nations are provided with a comfortable living is rather naive.

Under these circumstances, it has been argued that doing the moral thing means choosing the least terrible solution. The problem is that this implies a relativistic evaluation of the matter which impacts the manner in which the moral principles are conceived. Before stepping into a debate regarding the character of the moral principles, we may state that we agree with the opinions which state that there is no such thing as objective moral principles. This huge amount of governmental expenses spread within a period of up to 10 years will result in a slower economic growth.

The slow down in the economic growth of America's economy will also be due to the fact that the U. economy is currently heavily burdened. Burden to Healthy People: One of the major controversial portions of Obama's health care plan is the burden it places on healthy people since they have to take care of the health insurance costs of unhealthy people like the obese or those who smoke. Additionally, it's compulsory for Americans to get a health insurance or they will be subjected to a tax increase that will be used to fund the health insurance costs of others. Under Obama's health care plan, health insurers are banned from imposing different premium charges that are dependent on the customer's health. Moreover, the proposed health care reform plan…. Prison Inmates Should Be Paroled Early to Help Control the State's Budget Problems This paper argues that inmates at State prisons should be having premature releases from prisons so that the States can manage their budget problems.

As the paper illustrates, despite criticisms on parole that it introduces unreformed culprits back in the society and that the program is unorganized, parole is a major contributor in reducing prison populations, which directly translates to reduced State expenditures Licari, All the implementation of parole releases has either direct or indirect economic effect to the States as well as the prisoner and society as a whole. Reformed individuals are able to earn their income thus independent of the government Sons, n. In addition, as there is professional structure of parole, they lead to faster reforming and procedures that reduce caseloads enabling parole officers to spend more time with the high-risk individuals National….

Licensing and Laissez Faire In viewing the case study at hand, one can begin to fully understand the pros and cons of occupational licensure in viewing each in the context of the study. Occupational licensure -- the requirement that one obtain a license from a recognized authority in order to engage in any occupation -- restricts entry into the field of medicine as noted within the case study at hand Shaw, , p. In viewing the pros and cons of such licensure, one can see that the debate largely comes down to one of economics vs. safety concerns. In first understanding the pros of such occupational licensure, one can understand -- and oftentimes be relieved -- by the fact that professionals in fields that follow licensing standards have therefore asserted themselves to be capable of practicing within their field at a level which has been deemed acceptable by the….

Many companies struggle with consistency over time with their PR. Finally, personal selling is a critical component of any integration marketing strategy. The advantages of personal selling are that companies have a chance to create personal relationships with customers and understand their unmet needs, greater trust is created through more effective communication, and the key messages of a company are more clearly communicated. The cons or negatives of personal selling include its costs, as it is very expensive to have a direct sales force in the field. Second, sales forces tend to turn over rapidly or churn which becomes problematic as new sales people need to be trained.

Finally direct sales can easily turn into business development or lose focus on selling when a sales team is not held accountable for its quota. Select and explain the most suitable method for measuring advertising or promotional effectiveness. Your decision must include…. The Pros and Cons Health Information Technology: Is it Worth Implementing? Introduction Various studies have been undertaken in an attempt to highlight the relevance of adopting health information technology in healthcare. While there are those who are of the opinion that health information technology is beneficial to the healthcare system as a whole, others are convinced that the risks and complications posed by health information technology are too significant, and hence the implementation of the same in healthcare settings ought to be halted.

This text highlights the arguments that have been presented over time for and against the implementation as well as adoption of health information technology. Upon evaluating and assessing these arguments, I will embrace the side of this debate that appears to have the greatest sway. Discussion From the onset, it is important to note that health information technology do not have an assigned definition. This is to…. Macs and PC. A copy of this is outlined to show and contrast the difference between Macs and PCs. Macintosh computers are elegant and easy to use, but PCs are cheaper and have a vast array of products with them. The Apple computer has been around for a long time, but PCs are found in more stores. The best way to decide which is better for you is to try using both of them and comparing what is best.

This is an information age dependent upon digital information. A computer system refers to the computer and all of its equipment. Equipment like speakers, printers, keyboard, scanner, etc. is called peripheral equipment, sometimes shortened to peripherals'. The central processing unit CPU is considered to be 'the computer" Hitmill 2. There are several computer systems that are available. The two most…. Business Plan Description of the Business The business is a gourmet candy shop. The shop will sell gourmet candy that has been sourced from all over the world. The rationale for the business is simply. There is a growing trend towards hedonistic approaches to dining. We have seen in the past few years the rise of the bacon fetish, high end craft beer and coffee, cupcakes, the move of fine dining to the mass market and a full embrace by Americans of better quality indulgent goods.

Much of this trend can be credited to the aging of the population, as people seek to maximize pleasure. They have the financial means to treat themselves, and seek to balance this hedonism with a desire to be healthy. The intersection of these ideals is where…. BT's Marketing Communications BT Website ABOUT BT BT Group plc, doing business as BT British Telecom , is one of the world's largest telecommunication services providers. It is the largest multinational telecommunication corporation in the United Kingdom. BT has business operations in more than countries around the Globe and offers its services to all types of consumers; including households, small and medium enterprises, large business corporations, and public sector entities.

Incorporated in with Electric Telegraph Company, General Post Office, and Post Office Telecommunications as its predecessors , BT has become one of the largest, and the most innovative and competitive communication services provider in the world. It is headquartered in BT Centre, London, UK and operates with workforce strength of around 90, employees worldwide BT PLC, Media With the Military in Battle Government There must be a cost-benefit analysis performed before formally agreeing to attach reporters to military units during active engagements.

There are pros and cons for the side of the press and on the side of the military. It has become practice or tradition since the Vietnam War for journalists to be permitted to accompany and document the activities of various military units. Like many other unique natural phenomena, coral reefs are influenced by human activity these days. Would you always go for Bill Nye the Science Guy instead of Power Rangers as a child? Were you ready to spend sleepless nights perfecting your science fair project? Dream of a career in science? Canadian identity is something that has become really important for many Canadians in the past fifty years. Canada is a big, multinational country with its own traditions, culture, and history.

However, because of quite a large number of foreigners and even Americans, its culture and people are associated with the A satirical essay contains facts on a particular topic but presents it in a comical way. This task Your mood leaves a lot to be desired. Everything around you is getting on your nerves. Just think of all the times you turned on your favorite song, and it lifted your spirits! We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Learn More. Make a list of all advantages and disadvantages and give details about each item;. Take a look at our site here. Advantages and disadvantages of computers. Probably, you can think of only positive aspects of using computers, such as they make communication easier, they can be helpful for your studies, you get access to information, etc.

Yet, if you think for a while, you will find some disadvantages, e. computers break down sometimes and it is really annoying or computers may be hacked or infected, etc. Completing online courses, classes, or training in different areas of knowledge. Using multilingual online dictionaries. Visiting countries that are considered to be the most popular places for tourists. Bringing home-cooked food to work or school or eating at a cafeteria or restaurant. Party systems : one party, two parties, or multiple parties. Different voting systems choice voting, Electoral College. Having a parliament. Advertising and its different mediums. This paper will look at the pros and cons of cloud computing. References Ali, M.

Security in cloud computing: Opportunities and challenges. Information Sciences, , Krutz, R. Cloud security: A comprehensive guide to secure cloud computing. Wiley Publishing. Nedelcu, B. Cloud Computing and its Challenges and Benefits in the Bank System. Database Systems Journal, 6 1 , And more women and people with disabilities will be on the job. First there is the question of what 'America' is the workplace mirroring -- that of the regional population, if it is a small company, or that of the international community that a multibillion dollar enterprise strives to serve? Proportional representation must be judged in relation to the type of company, its outreach, and the pool of available competent workers.

Secondly, a highly diverse environment may undercut the benefits of a cohesive organizational culture, if steps are not taken to continue to create a sense of common purpose. Thirdly, too strictly relying upon proportionality can result in hiring…. Works Cited Michael Boyd. html Building and Maintaining a Diverse and High Quality Workforce. htm sec Melissa Lauber. html Wentling, R. Outsourcing Business communication Outsourcing: Pros and cons The Apple Corporation has long proved to be one of the more resistant of the tech giants to outsourcing its critical functions. An important selling point of the Apple brand has been its superior customer service and hands-on personal attention. This has caused Apple to eschew call centers.

Apple is able to charge a premium price for its products because of the high quality of its tech support, in contrast to its rivals. In , Apple Computer Inc. decided not to build a technical support center in Bangalore, despite anticipated cost savings. Apple never intended to outsource high-end software development to its Bangalore shop: Unlike most tech companies, Apple does almost all of…. Apple may outsource iMacs. html Denyer, Paul. Outsourcing reaches rural India. The Washington Post. Boom in Busts: Good or Bad? There are several pros and cons in the bankruptcy legislation issues. In the current European systems, entrepreneurs forced to file for bankruptcy protection carry business failures and associated debts for years, may be liable to criminal charges and may even be driven to suicide by crushing failure and ongoing debt Peng, , p.

Those consequences and the "fear of failure" rampant in Europe causes some entrepreneurs to abandon their ideas without ever trying to develop them. The "advantage" of the current system, however, favors the creditors because creditors are still supposed to get paid; the money owed to them does have to be simply written off as losses Peng, , p. Works Cited Carroll, L. Fact-checking claims about Donald Trump's four bankruptcies. Retrieved March 20, from www. Saving the Euro at the Cost of Democracy? Journal of common market studies, 51 4 , Peng, M. Global strategic management, 3rd edition. England: South-Western Cengage Learning. Legal esearch and Application Should there be caps on legal awards against organizations or practitioners?

What are the pros and cons of limiting civil monetary awards? There are a number of tort reforms that are being promoted among the fifty states regarding caps on punitive damages. The purpose of these caps is to ensure that "defendants will be held liable for no more than their fair share of responsibility for a plaintiff's injuries" and putting the rest of damages sought by plaintiffs on the "collateral sources such as health insurance" Cohen, , p. Such reform would reduce the treatment provider's risk of being completely ruined by a plaintiff's lawsuit and provide that some of the risk of malpractice be assumed by other agencies connected to health care provision. This would be a pro-for defendants health care providers but a con for patient plaintiffs who would be required to seek….

References Cohen, H. Medical Malpractice Liability Reform: Legal Issues and Fifty-State Survey of Caps on Punitive Damages and Noneconomic Damages. CRS Report for Congress: pdf Guidebook for Tennessee Nonprofits. Attorney General's Office. pdf Svorny, S. Could mandatory caps on medical malpractice damages harm consumers? Policy Analysis, Cato Institute, For example Ayurvedic medicine is very famous in India and people have been regularly using them for centuries for ailments ranging from tooth ache to fertility.

The same is true in China and some other countries. However in the U. The dangers of herbal medicine are limited. It is good to know that most herbal medicines are safe. The worst they can do is not work at all and hence the condition stays the same. They cannot worsen a person's condition but and this is a very important but, herbal medicines need to be of extremely good quality in order to be completely safe. In other words, the main issue with herbal drugs is poor quality. While herbs cannot harm a…. pdf American Botanical Council Calls for Expert Herb Advisory Panel. Herbal Science Group Clarifies Herbal Regulation Issues.

html Summary Of Regulations in Various countries. pdf American Botanical Council, Physician Assisted Suicide in Patients With Unbearable Suffering or the Terminally Ill One of the most hotly debated issues today is physician-assisted suicide. ecently, California became the fifth state to legalize physician-assisted suicide, and there is an increasing likelihood that other states will follow suit in the foreseeable future. The purpose of this study is to determine if the factors chosen have any bearing on those who choose to end their life with physician assisted suicide. In support of this purpose, the objectives of this study were as follows: a to research scholarly articles regarding physician-assisted suicide and gather pertinent information into a comprehensive profile; b to research whether unbearable suffering is the dominant motive to request physician-assisted suicide; c to research whether the race and level of education of the patient are contributing factors when physician-assisted suicide is requested; and, d to research whether the type of terminal illness….

References Bauer-Maglin, N. Final acts: Death, dying, and the choices we make. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Biller-Adorno, N. Physician-assisted suicide should be permitted. The New England Journal of Medicine, 15 , Black's law dictionary. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company. Boudreau, J. Physician-assisted suicide. The New England Journal of Medicine, , communication strategies used in my current setting are based on years of institutional protocol and practice. Although the organizational codes of ethics have been updated recently to address issues like harassment, the communications protocols have changed little, leading to some problems like those identified by both Halm and Dufault, Duquette, Ehman et all Dufault, Duquette, Ehman et al.

While our organization does have handoff protocols, those protocols are based not on empirical research or on a patient-centric approach but on ingrained habits supported by senior staff members. Communication strategies remain relatively consistent, and are not unevenly applied to different team members. Halm notes the importance of standardization in patient handoffs. While we do have some standardization methods, they are not effectively implemented due to the lack of…. Capital punishment [ Capital punishment is a controversial issue in the United States, with both sides making emotional and viable arguments for and against the use of capital punishment in crime. There are other alternatives to capital punishment, but in the end, are they as effective as the death penalty?

This is one of the issues facing this important topic today. The Cons of Capital Punishment Those who oppose capital punishment do so for a variety of reasons, from religious to moral, from human rights to an aversion to murder of any kind. Whatever their reasoning, opponents of capital punishment actually form a minority in the United States. Studies continually show that most Americans approve of capital punishment, especially for violent crimes such as murder. However, the United States…. References Editors. Bureau of Justice Capital Punishment Statistics.

Retrieved from the U. htm29 March Haines, H. Against Capital Punishment The Anti-Death Penalty Movement in America, New York: Oxford University Press. Levi, N. Veil of Secrecy: Public Executions, Limitations on Reporting Capital Punishment, and the Content-Based Nature of Private Execution Laws. Capital Punishment in the United States A Documentary History. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Sustainment Management and Readiness Team SMART Pros To begin the first benefit of the support system is its structure. Structure is particularly important within a military context. Structure provides a standardized process by which all personnel can properly understand and abide by. Structure also provides consistency in regards to issues throughout the support system.

Having a consistent means of remediation allows for an efficient response that reduces the need for explanation. Within the military, this is critical because the need for explanation can potentially reduce the need for higher ranking officials to spend their time on aspects that are not warranted. In addition, each unit member knows each point of contact within the value chain. Having a structured process that allows all members within the system to clearly delineate the overall process has another benefit as well. The process allows for fault information to be easily captured in the event…. Violent Minors Traditionally the rule is that anyone was under the age of 18 years old who commits a crime will be tried in the juvenile court system; however, under certain circumstances juveniles can be tried in criminal courts as adults.

The designation of the age of the defendant defined as a juvenile or minor who could be tried as an adult is determined by state law, and this age varies from state to state. A study by the Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS described data from over 40 of the major urban counties in the United States. The study found that prosecuting juveniles in criminal court as adults was generally performed only when serious crimes were committed such as murder, robbery, or aggravated assault BJS, An interesting associated finding of the study, which was originally conducted in , was that in the 40 counties studied juveniles were more…. References Brink, D. Immaturity, normative competence, and juvenile transfer: How not to punish minors for major crimes.

Bepress Legal Series, Bureau of Justice Statistics. Juvenile defendants. Fagan, J. The comparative advantage of juvenile vs. criminal court sanctions on recidivism among adolescent felony offenders. Fagan, A. Repeat offending and repeat victimization: Assessing similarities and differences in psychosocial risk factors. The first is that water birth takes place in a spot where many women find the most relaxation, a tub of warm water. Other moms deliver right in the water. Either option is available for women choosing water birth. Some other pros worth mentioning are: First, the baby before it is delivered…. Works Cited Citizens for Midwifery. Jan Global inequalities are not caused by singular policies but are tremendously complex, requiring nuanced perspectives and points of view.

Economists, sociologists, and scholars frequently debate whether neoliberalism and global capitalism are causing or exacerbating global inequalities, or whether the ideologies and practices of the free market may be used to promote global equality instead. Martin Hart-Landsberg and Norberg weigh in on the debate. Essentially, Hart-Landsberg claims neoliberalism and globalization increase global inequalities. Norberg , on the other hand, claims that globalization is leading to less inequality. Con: This approach can be excessively rigid and fail to take into consideration social nuances Neutral: Kant, the developer of the categorical imperative and the founding father of this ideology, saw his view as a kind of middle path -- he did not believe that all actions set moral laws for all time, but that some types of moral principles should remain inviolate.

Virtue ethics or human nature moral theory Pro: This stresses the need to be a good person, to make good moral decisions. It focuses on the good that 'doing good' can provide both for the actor and the subject of moral decision-making. Con: Good people, even when they believe they are doing the right thing, can engage in actions that have very negative moral consequences. Neutral: Virtue ethics has come into prominence in recent decades, perhaps because of the increasing focus upon the 'self' in modern culture,…. Government Do we dare not to trust the government? There are very good reasons not to trust the government. A great deal of evidence points to the idea that the current administration is essentially owned by big business, and that it is willing to sell out the interests of individuals for the sake of corporations.

Just a brief look at recent stories show why one should not trust the government: the increase in gas prices and energy company profits while those companies shell out to the administration, the brutal death of Terri Schiavo under the orders of a judge, the September 11th terrorist attacks which may have been orchestrated for the colonial good of the American empire, the nation's willingness to abandon social security, and the lack of support for victims of rural crime. Of course, there are some reasons why one should trust the government: Welfare programs are available…. Balance of Fragile things is an engrossing novel that raises a lot of points and questions.

As such, there are a lot of directions that the author of this report could take for this report but the author has selected one in particular. American immigration is a hot-button topic that gets up the dander of a lot of people. However, one reason the topic is so contentious and roiling is the historical, nationalistic, racial not racist or even bigoted viewpoints and avenues that many people take. However, the aforementioned historical fixation is a lot of the problem and that needs to be disregarded in favor of the future. While there is a ton of proverbial water under the bridge vis-a-vis immigration, focusing on the future and a continued expansion of who can realize the American dream will be the most beneficial to any and all people involved including both immigrants….

Global Communications The world of global communication is storied, vast and wide. It can also be very treacherous and unpredictable for people that are not in the know about what is involved, why things have to be done a certain way and so forth. This report will be a brief literature review of three articles that all pertain to global communications. The articles will relate to web-enabling for competitive advantage, the role of entrepreneurial networks in the exploration and exploitation of certain peoples and a case study about one of IBM's newer corporate volunteer programs. While these articles may seem to be about different things, they are all part of the different pieces and parts to the global communications landscape and all are worth of at least a cursory review.

All of these articles pertain to the practice of business using global communications in the right way, the wrong way…. References Kok, A. Demystifying Organizational Learning. Kellogg College, 1 1 , Motiwalla, L. Web-Enabling for Competitive Advantage. Journal Of Cases On Information Technology, 5 1 , ch Vasilchenko, E. The Role of Entrepreneurial Networks in the Exploration and Exploitation of Internationalization Opportunities by Information and Communication Technology Firms. Journal Of International Marketing, 1 1 , The Affordable Care Act ACA was passed into law under the Obama Administration and was responsible for reshaping the health care system in many different ways.

From overhauling procedures regarding how health care providers deal with patients and practice quality care to providing more people with coverage, the ACA was meant to make fix many of the problems that Americans had with health care. While some have found the ACA to be highly positive, others have found it to be a complete disaster. Those three points—access, affordability and quality—were the main selling points of the ACA. The legislation was supposed to provide more access to care for people. It was supposed to make care more affordable, and it was supposed to increase the…. Discuss the benefits and challenges of doing business in India. From an ethics and compliance perspective, what industry faces the most ethical challenges?

Please support your argument with examplesGlobalization has created a litany of new opportunities for both small and large businesses worldwide. Developing countries such as India and China continue to leverage their large consumer base to help grow and develop their economies. This is being reflecting in the emerging middle class of these economies along with robust GDP growth. Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic has created complications related to these economies as it relates to their overall growth. India for example has experience a recent surge in infection rates that has left the economy and its citizenry in shambles. It has also impacted the rest of the world as many countries are now restricting travel to and from the country of India.

The massive death tools, political instability, and…. Ahuja, S. Paper industry in India. New Delhi: The Institute of Economic and Market Research. Akerlof, G. Labour contracts as partial gift exchange. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 47 4 , Loyalty filters. American Economic Renew, 73 1 , Gift exchange and efficiency wage theory four views. American Economic Review, 74 2 , Alchian, A. Production information costs and economics organization. American Economic Review, 62 5 , Whereas the traditional model of separate education for special-needs students requires that school systems rely on fulltime special educators and depends, necessarily, on their availability, that is not the case with inclusion programs. The inclusion of special-needs students within the regular curriculum allows special-needs services to be delivered by paraprofessionals instead of relying exclusively on dedicated special needs educators.

References Dupuis, B. html Edwards, G. Government in America: People,. If power shifts too much toward the U. His well-argued point is that North Korea's striving for nuclear capability is a response to the perceived imbalance of power which is threatening to North Korea. It is an attempt to develop a deterrent to possible future U. aggression, a bargaining tool rather than an offensive strategy. Presumably, then, Kang would agree that if the U. lowered its military presence and changed its rhetoric, the fear would gradually dissipate. The North would have no incentive for risk.

In addition, the mistrust and animosity between the two countries will not go away until the U. recognizes the legitimate national security concerns of North Korea. His argument is stronger than Cha's with respect to nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are less threatening than thought since the conventional war would still wipe out…. Works Cited Cha, Victor. Cha and David C. Kang, Nuclear North Korea: A Debate on Engagement Strategies pp. New York, NY: Columbia University. Kang, David. Sowell doesn't believe in a government-run health care. To him, the universal health care doesn't reduce the real cost of health care but instead reduces the amount of money a patient has to pay for at the cost of reducing health care quality.

ibliography Taylor, H. Health Care in Canada: Pros and Cons. Retrieved on November 15, , from Online. htm Williams, W. Why Canadians Purchase Private Health Insurance. Retrieved on November 15, from Capitalism Magazine Online. Thomas Sowell: Universal Health Care. Retrieved on November 15, from Online. The Problem with Price Controls. Retrieved on November 15, , from Heartland Institute…. Bibliography Taylor, H. In this regard, Osorio adds that, "The strike put deregulation on hold, giving the airlines a respite from intense competition and more time to plan for the post-deregulation era" , p. The PATCO strike also severely hampered further governmental employee unionizing activities for decades Osorio, Conclusion The research showed that in , the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization engaged in an illegal strike for more money, better working conditions and updated equipment that violated Title VII of the Civil Service eform Act of Notwithstanding the legitimacy of the union's demands, the manner in which they pursued them was violative of the law of the land and the President of the United States took matters into his own hands as chief executive officer and fired the lot of them in response, replacing them with supervisors, military air traffic controllers and newly hired controllers.

The PATCO strike also had…. References Grimes, P. The decline of strike activity and the post-PATCO era. Atlantic Economic Journal, 32 2 , Manheim, J. The death of a thousand cuts: Corporate campaigns and the tttack on the corporation. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Minchin, T. Torn apart: Permanent replacements and the Crossett Strike of. Non Linear Pro-is a company that sells editing equipment. Recently, the company was involved in a transaction that involved the lease of equipment to Quick Text Video on a trial basis. Before the purchase, the sales representative for NonLinear Pro and the company manger for Quick Text Video discussed the pros and cons of the product.

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