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Essay on Malaria
Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted essays on malaria humans by bites of infected mosquitoes, essays on malaria. Inessays on malaria, malaria has led to nearly deaths, mostly among African children The World Health Organization, Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. Transmission essays on malaria infection is also dependent on climatic conditions that may affect the abundance and survival of mosquitoes — regime of rainfall, temperature and humidity.
In the human body the parasites multiply in the liver and then infect red blood cells. Malaria is an acute febrile illness. Symptoms appear within seven days or more usually within days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. The first symptoms are fever, headache, essays on malaria, chills and vomiting; they may be slightly pronounced, essays on malaria, making it difficult to identify malaria. If you do not start treatment within 24 hours, malaria can quickly become life-threatening essays on malaria connection with violation of blood supply to vital organs. In many parts of the world the parasites have developed resistance to a variety of drugs for malaria. Vector control is the main way to reduce transmission of malaria in some communities.
This is the only event that can reduce malaria transmission with very high levels to near zero. Medications can also be used for prevention of malaria. Malaria prevention among people, who travel, can be performed with chemotherapy, which suppresses the stage of malaria infection in the blood, thus preventing disease progression. Key measures to control malaria include prompt and effective treatment of combination therapy based on artemisinin, the use of people at risk of insecticide-treated nets and indoor spraying of residual insecticides to control mosquito vectors of disease.
WHO Global Program on Malaria is responsible for developing policy to combat and eradicate malaria by the following means:. This partnership mobilizes actions and resources and contributes to the achievement of consensus between the partners. It includes more than essays on malaria, including malaria-endemic countries, development partners, private sector, NGOs and funds, essays on malaria, as well as scientific and educational institutions. Custom papers you get from our writing experts should be used for research purposes only. These papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic credit.
Essay on Malaria. WHO Global Program on Malaria is responsible for developing policy to combat and eradicate malaria by the following means: building an evidence-based policy and strategy development; independent assessment of global progress; development of approaches to capacity building, strengthening and surveillance; identify threats to malaria control and elimination, as well as new activities. Previous The role of culture of thinking and social action essay. Next Identity and Community essay, essays on malaria. Search for:. Our Benefits Professional Writers Plagiarism Free papers Friendly Customer Support Reasonable Prices. ORDER NOW. Free Extras Plagiarism FREE Papers FREE Title Page FREE Bibliography FREE Formatting FREE Delivery.
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The study included all patients seen at the pediatric emergency room between July 1st and December 31st of who were suffering from clinically suspected influenza type A H1N1. The patients had to meet the criteria for microbiological study according to the Departament de Salut of the Generalitat de Catalunya protocol. The patients had to have travelled to an epidemic region or come into contact with a confirmed case in…. References Lera, E. Cebrian, R. Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with influenza A H1N1 attended to at the emergency room of a children's hospital. European Journal of Pediatrics, 3 , doi: Malaria Outline I. Introduction A. Overview of disease pathology B. History of the disease in tropical climates and elsewhere II. According to the CDC , travelers who have not developed partial immunity, children, and pregnant women are most vulnerable to malaria.
Why did you choose this community? Malaria affects some of the poorest communities in the world. Precautions can be taken to curtail its spread. What types of disparities do they face? Poverty B. Lack of education C. Lack of access to healthcare V. No cure exists for malaria. The local population can benefit from a public…. References Malaria. html Malaria prevention. aspx Prevent malaria. Poverty and Malaria in Angola Angola is a country on the southern West coast of Africa. Its capital city is Luanda and it recognizes half a dozen national languages though its native language is Portuguese. It achieved independence from Portugal in and consists of over 1 million square kilometers. Its population according to the census was 24,, people. Angola has rich natural resources, from diamonds to oil and wildlife.
Today it has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and the fastest in Africa Angola Financial Sector Profile, The indicator I selected is "reported malaria cases" and it is defined as the "total number of reported malaria cases during the given year" Data in Gapminder World, The trend of reported cases shows a sudden spark from to from 1. References Angola Financial Sector Profile. html Data in Gapminder World. Trading Economics. html Polgreen, L. Angolans come home to negative peace. According to the CDC, United states was once a malaria-endemic country until when malaria was eliminated in the country. Currently, approximately 1, cases of malaria and five deaths are reported annually in the US mostly by returning travelers Ramasamy, Globally, malaria is widespread in over countries mostly the less developed tropical areas of Asia, Latin America, and Asia.
It is estimated that malaria kills about 1 million people annually in Africa alone. There are about to million cases of malaria reported annually and approximately 90 percent of these cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Although malaria is treatable and preventable, it still causes significant mortality and morbidity with the highest number of cases being reported in resource poor-regions and amongst young children. The contributing factors for malaria are mostly dictated by social and economic reasons. In most instances of malaria infection, the people infected are mainly…. References Pimenta, P. Villegas, L. An overview of malaria transmission from the perspective of Amazon Anopheles vectors.
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 1 , Ramasamy, R. Zoonotic malaria—global overview and research and policy needs. Frontiers in public health, 2. Zurovac, D. Nyandigisi, A. PLoS ONE, 9 3 , e Treatment of Malaria Halliday and her team studied the effect of intermittent screening and treatment or IST on malaria among young students in a low-to-moderate transmission setting in Kenya. The main goal of the study was to improve the volunteer children's cognitive development and overall health. Specifically, it aimed at determining the benefit of alternative therapies against malaria and the impact of adjusting treatment to the intensity of the disease, which are not adequately explored Halliday et al.
The intervention was conducted on a group of 5, school children in government primary schools in Kenya from to Halliday et al. They were selected at random from 5 classes and then followed up for two years. Once a year, public health workers screen the children with rapid diagnostic tests or RDTs whether they had symptoms or not. Those found positive for the tests were treated…. A et al. Assessment of malaria in vitro drug combination screening and mixed-straw infection using the malaria sybi green I-based fluorescence assay. Impact of intermeittent screening and treatment for malaria among school children in Kenya: a cluster randomized trial. Project Abstract The aim of this project is to come up with a group of healthcare providers that will carry out medical caravans, particularly visiting villages in located in Niger whereby women are actually the most affected by CVD Cardiovascular Diseases as well as SRHR sexual reproductive health and rights.
Our team will conduct screening for HIV, CVD, diabetes, malaria, hepatitis and hypertension. We will also offer medical consultations and provide health education together with evidence-based treatment. The race between new drugs and new resistances has not stopped since then And in , WHO's expert panel concluded that a magic solution could not be relied upon, and that furthermore, malaria patterns were determined by a variety of socioeconomic as well as biological, climatic and geographic factors. where people in the Bomet district were dying at a rate of three or four a day This article refers to some significant economic aspects and to the way that the high rate of malaria infections is affecting the economy of Kenya, as well as other countries in the region.
References ALAII J. Malaria: Africa's Public Enemy No. Retrieved November 4, , from Questia database:. Prevention methods, combined with education have been shown to effectively prevent malaria and this is good because, the infrastructure of poor nations is often inadequate to care for those who do fall ill. Many malaria treatment medications are very expensive, where legitimate non-counterfeit remedies can be found. In many of these nations the problem is perpetuated by counterfeit drugs, which sap family resources and do little if anything to remediate symptoms. In fact the presence of these drugs may even worsen the problem by creating drug resistant strains, as many counterfeit medications have been shown to contain only minute amounts of the anti-malarial pharmaceuticals and therefore expose the parasites to amounts that simply allow them to adapt, rather than eradicating them in the human body.
According to the Kaiser foundation, researchers claim that the wave of counterfeit anti-malarial drugs has reached industrial levels, meaning that the drugs are being produced…. Along with India, South Africa is perhaps the most prominent country using DDT that has large developed populations. Neither country has reported negative consequences, and many thousands of lives have been saved in both cases. Ultimately, the use of DDT as a combatant against the spread of malaria has wide-ranging benefits that far outweigh the side effects.
Carefully tracking the trajectory of DDT's history demonstrates that most developed nations, including the U. Their subsequent ban of DDT and the imposition of economic restrictions by the United Nations upon countries still using DDT represent a selective memory at best. The actions of developed nations regarding DDT could also be considered a hypocritical thought process. egardless, malaria continues to pose a substantial threat to many countries, mostly in Africa. Only closed-mindedness…. References Carson, R.
Silent Spring. New York: Houghton-Mifflin. Cooperative Actions to Achieve Malaria Control Without the Use of DDT. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, vol. Should DDT Continue to be Recommended for Malaria Vector. Africa so Poor? Why is it that Africa, despite the aid and help and support that she gets from different sources all over the world, is still very much impoverished and in a state of poverty even now? It is a fact that this continent has been availing of outside help and has also been a site where numerous large-scale experiments have been performed over the years in order to improve and reform its economy for its innate betterment, but it has still remained in the same condition in which it has been existing all these pats few centuries.
The truth is that none of the above experiments have been able to succeed in achieving a sustained and continuous economic growth in Africa and this has also led to the astonishing fact that most African three dozen nations are, today, even poorer than they were during the 's. It is…. Bibliography African Alternative Framework to Structural Adjustment Programs for Socio-Economic Recovery and Transformation. htm Accessed on 28 February, Africa's Development Crisis. htm Accessed on 28 February, Basu, Anupam; Calamitsis, Evangelos A; Ghura, Dhaneshwar. Promoting Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Monetary Fund. August This is particularly the case in sub-Saharan Africa where clinicians have often come to rely on signs and symptoms alone to make diagnoses.
In the case of the African nation of Mozambique, which perhaps can be understood as a case indicative of the environmental assessment one would find throughout Africa and therefore, can be labelled to be a median statistical nation. A nation representing the median would indicate that half of the population nations that are categorized as resourced deficient, half would be above Mozambique in terms of resource allocation and half would fall below. References Chappuis, F. Options for Field Diagnosis of Human African Trypanosomiasis. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, January , p. African Journal of AIDS Research , Copyright NISC Pty Ltd.
Blood Safety PPT. CDC, WHO Loefler, I. Surgical wound infection in the Third World: the African experience. Journal of Medical Microbiology. Volume 47, The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Given a mosquito's vastly shorter life span, preventing the spread of the infection to more human hosts greatly reduces the number of viable parasites in existence CDC For one thing, viruses are not truly alive, and this makes it difficult to kill them. They are essentially packets of genetic information in tough protein shells; there are no real biological mechanisms for medicines to disrupt. In addition, the virus' use of host cells as reproduction sites means that drugs used to attack the virus often als due damage to healthy cells and the body's natural defenses.
The basic life cycle of an animla virus includes hijacking a host cell and reproducing until rupture, where the process continues in new host cells. Most viruses can remain viable indefinitely outside a host, so the…. Reference CDC. In Chad, there are 6. Child mortality is a horrific problem in SSA: in 30 of the 47 countries the rate of child mortality is at least 1 in ten for children under 5 years of age. In Sierra Leone, for example out of every 1, children die before the age of five orld Bank data. Maternal health is a very serious problem in SSA; over thirty countries report more than mothers out of every , either die during pregnancy or during childbirth. There are some frighteningly stark numbers among those 30 countries; to wit, in Sierra….
Works Cited Franklin, Thomas. United Nations. World Bank. AIDS and Politics in African Aside from Malaria and other life threatening diseases, AIDS constitutes one of the major concerns within the African continent. Political participation in matters as serious as this cannot go without being noticed. The politics of Aids however is not limited to government and political entities and neither does it emanate from Africa alone. The participation of such…. C: Population Reference Bureau, Nurses Do? Many people, tropical countries Third World, die preventable, curable diseases. Malaria, Of the many challenges related to providing adequate health care in nations that are still developing, one of the most prominent is the fact that in many instances cases of both preventable and curable diseases such as tuberculosis are not sufficiently reported WHO, , p.
Without reporting that an individual is infected or even possibly infected by this particular malady or others, it is extremely difficult to provide the sort of remedy that could prevent such a disease from being fatal. In developing nations, there are a number of places in which communication is strained due to the fact that these locations are remote or are in parts of the world in which advancements in information technology such as mobile devices and the internet have not fully penetrated. Thus, one of the critical…. References Crisp, N. Global supply of health professionals. New England Journal of Medicine.
For a country such as Uganda to possess sufficient health care is tremendously important to the people of the republic of Uganda. Even triumphant medical treatment for malaria can involve pain through injections of drugs and in the entire period of recuperating after the administration of the drugs. Furthermore, nervousness may crop up, threat and unavoidably a lot of money. The final thing a parent of a sick child suffering from malaria in a hospital needs to believe about is how he or she is actually going to pay out for all the costs encountered or the billing. In an ideal world, as a substitute of distressing about money, a patient or a mother or a father of a kid who is suffering from malaria should be focused on getting well or consoling the sick child respectively.
Nonetheless, the entire subject of health cover can be puzzling Trisha, , p. References Akhtar, R ed. JOB: Case analysis Problem Identification: Malaria is a killer in many parts of the world and it specifically affects a large population of young children around the globe. I need to write a report that would inform the public about the threat that malaria poses to lives and health of millions of people who due to lack of better health facilities and treatment are dying unnecessarily. These lives could have been protected had better services been available to these people. Bill Gates foundation has undertaken the task of reaching out to this underprivileged population globally. I need to write a report which can be downloaded from the website but before they do so, I need them to know about the significance of the report so the people wouldn't download it without knowing what it contains.
Since people from various walks of life visit the Bill Gates foundation website, I am…. Along the way, scholarly resources such as books, peer-reviewed journal articles and reputable websites will be used to create or support the opinions or answers given. The three questions that will be answered will include what basic types of healthcare everyone should have access to and why, a choice from thirteen risk factors that impact infectious disease and a recitation of how nurses can play a part in one or more of the millennium development goals MDG set forth for global health. Healthcare as a ight The first essay question asks what types and forms of healthcare should be a given and a right to everyone regardless….
References Carlton, E. Regional disparities in the burden of disease attributable to unsafe water and poor sanitation in China. Bulletin Of The World Health Organization, 90 8 , Breaking obert's ules B , Susskind emphasizes the value that a good facilitator can add in helping a group reach the best possible outcomes using the consensus-based approach. Looking back at the Bullard or Harborco negotiation, how might a neutral facilitator have added value? A neutral facilitator would have better able to ascertain the desires of both sides of the argument. The consensus based approach is most prominent when both sides can discuss grievances without a bias methodology from the facilitator.
The facilitator using a consensus based approach must encourage careful thought and collaboration amongst all parties involved. Biases could negatively impact the consensus based approach as one party may feel alienated or defensive. The other party meanwhile will believe themselves to have a negotiation advantage and attempt more benefits. These aspects would ultimately hinder the negotiation as both sides will be unable to arrive at a legitimate consensus regarding their…. References: 1 Graham, John , "The Problem-Solving Approach to Negotiations in Industrial Marketing," Journal of Business Research, 14, Prospects of a brighter future for Cote d'Lvoire Cote d' Lvoire has finally recovered from a decade old socio-political crisis which plagued it from This crisis hindered the almost all efforts in attaining the Millennium Development Goals MDG.
The MDG indicators have shown a decrement in performance over the past years. Now growth is on its way and relations are being established with international financial institutions. The MDG goals will be attained by the latest via the National Development Plan which has been enforced by Ivorian government World Bank, Situation of the MDGs in Cote d'Ivoire The case for MDG's in Cote d'Lvoire Birth of MDG indicators: A short introduction According to MDG's, it's clear that there has been delay in eradication against poverty and education sector, gender discrimination in education, lack of women empowerment, child and mother health to name a few.
The only work done…. References AfDB The Middle of the Pyramid: Dynamics of the Middle Class in Africa. Market Brief, 20 April , AfDB. AfDB, OECD and UNECA African Economic Outlook Paris: OECD. AfDB, OECD, UNDP and UNECA Berg, Andrew, Pedro Conceicao, Ayodele Odusola et al. Enhancing Development Assistance to Africa: Lessons from Scaling- Up Scenarios. New York: IMF. Prevention and Control of the Flu The flu is a serious illness but one of its great advantages is that a vaccine does exist to contain its spread and prevent or at least mitigate its symptoms. The flu is a virus and available antiviral medications like Tamiflu are not as effective as treating, for example, a bacterial infection with an antibiotic. The most effective method of treating the flu is to not get it at all -- which is why vaccination is so essential.
However, even flu vaccinations are not particularly effective on a seasonal basis: "A flu virus mutates at an exceptionally high rate as it reproduces, and some mutations will change the tips of the surface proteins. The antibodies cannot grab tightly to the altered tips, so the virus is able to proceed with its invasion. From one flu season to the next, the evolution of the flu…. References Mwangi, T. Malaria and helminth interactions in humans: an epidemiological viewpoint. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 7 : The quest to end the flu. The Atlantic. References Etheridge, E. And O'Carroll, P. strange how certain figures throughout the history of man become the figures of such intrigue and mystery Meyerson, Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, Charlemagne are examples of such figures.
These are all men that led full lives and accomplished great things but sharing the same level of notoriety is young man from ancient Egypt who died at 19 accomplishing very little other than becoming Pharaoh. For whatever reason, King Tutankhamen King Tut has been the center of much discussion and theorizing since his nearly intact tomb was discovered in Among the many areas of concern regarding King Tutankhamen has been the cause of his death. Even in ancient Egypt, death at 19 was unusual and for someone so privileged it would be exceedingly so.
There has been no shortage of theories offered to explain how King Tut died. Some have suggested that he was killed falling from…. References Hawass, Z. King Tut's Family Secrets. National Geographic, pp. King, M. Who Killed Kint Tut? Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. Meyerson, D. In the Valley of the Kings: Howard Carter and the Mystery of King Tutankhamun's Tombe. New York: Random House. Pusch, C. Ancestry and Pathology in King Tutankhamun's Family. Journal of the American Medical Association, pp. SA AIDS Drugs Company Set for Africa Sales The immense market potential for anti-retrovirals will signify a huge bonus for the company and also its shareholders. The company obtained sanction from the U. Federal Drug Administration for certain of its anti-AIDS medicines as was of late given the award for the biggest share of the South African government anti-retroviral drug tenders.
This is in greater measure part because it possesses a good BEE profile, assuring the support of…. Accessed 17 September, Marketing Medicine: Insider Secrets to online healthcare Marketing. March, Accessed 18 September, Mozambique: fact file. Accessed 18 September, Healthcare International health care funding programs are collaborative, multinational, cross-disciplinary endeavors with a broad philanthropic outlook and scope. There are dozens of different international health care funding programs, all of which depend at least in part on private funding sources due to the prevalence of the neoliberal economic, political, and social justice model Pfeiffer, Two of the most significant international health care funding programs include the Global Fund, which focuses on AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria to provide funding, consultation, leadership, research, coordination, and policy standardization; and the Commonwealth Fund, which is a fully private foundation dedicated to equitable access to healthcare resources.
Both the Global Fund and the Commonwealth Fund perform similar functions as international health care funding programs. They provide services, support, human resources, and infrastructural support to primary health care delivery in the developing world but also in any region of need. Although utilization of the Global…. References Anderson, G. Health care spending and use of information technology in OECD countries. Health Affairs 25 3 : Pfeiffer, J. International NGOs and primary health care in Mozambique: the need for a new model of collaboration. Social Science and Medicine 56 4 : If so, how? But his parents planted the seed of entering into philanthropy. Gates always stressed on Bill why he needed to begin philanthropy. Someone who was at Bill's father's law office one night recalls that he had quarreled with his parents stating that he was just trying to run his company.
Bill Gates notes that he wasn't against philanthropy at the time but wanted to give Microsoft all his energy and attention. Eventually, Mrs. Gates got Bill to donate money for United Way and establish a program at his company to do that. With the growth of his wealth, more requests for donations started streaming in. The mode of treatment including the type of drugs administered depends on the severity of the disease and the place in which the malaria was contracted. The basic treatment for all strains of malaria except falciparum is normally chloroquine, which is administered for 3 days by mouth. Since most falciparum strains are resistant to chloroquine, a combination of tetracycline.
Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites found in mosquitoes that carry an infectious disease. It is spread from the saliva through a bite of an infected female mosquito. Only female mosquitoes feed on blood, so this is why females are the carriers and spreaders of Malaria. Once you are bitten by an infected female mosquito then it releases the parasite into your blood where it moves to your liver and expands. This causes your liver to burst sending the infection back to your blood stream spreading. spread the disease to humans. Many serious diseases such as the West Nile virus, malaria, Rift Valley fever, and dog heartworm can be passed by infected mosquitos Day 7.
Malaria is a serious, sometimes life-threatening disease common in third world countries. Malaria is a disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes Mayo Clinic Staff. The mosquitoes are infected with parasites Malaria WebMD. The symptoms of malaria typically begin within a few weeks after being bitten, but in some cases could go. The parasites causing malaria are highly specific, with man as the only host and mosquitoes as the only vector. Every year, ,, people are affected by malaria, and while less than one percent of these people die, there are still an estimated 1,, deaths per year. While Malaria was one of the first.
Malaria Malaria is a potentially fatal illness of tropical and subtropical regions. The disease is caused by a parasite which is transmitted to human beings bitten by infected mosquitoes. In , WHO announced that pilot project deployment will be started in three sub-Saharan African countries; initial phase will be started in In a nutshell, malaria is a fatal disease which is common on countries near the equator where mosquitoes and the parasites can develop. Medical prevention, such as vaccine, is yet to be discovered and deployed in these countries. Hence, the most effective way to avert getting infected is to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes. Mosquito nets, insecticides and mosquito coils are known to be the most efficient way. World Health Organization. Burke, Darla. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Every customer who asks us, write my essay , will get professional writing assistance here. If you dream of submitting well-written papers, then we can help you with this. Your email address will not be published. We now accept Faster and secure way to pay. Essay on Malaria Commonly, on tropical and sub-tropical countries, malaria virus is a fatal disease that can be acquired in a mosquito bite. Works Cited World Health Organization. The Advantages for a Company of Having a Uniform — Essay. BBC Essay Sample. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
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