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Is the world changing for the better essay

Is the world changing for the better essay

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Is the world changing for better or worse? Essay Example

Home — Essay Samples — Life — Worldview — We Should Make the World a Better Place, is the world changing for the better essay. Any subject. Any type of essay. Do you think the world can become a better place? The world is now horrible because of things that we did in the past and things that we are doing right now. The world can become better in many ways if there is no racism, poverty and no communism. One way to make our world a better place is to erase all forms of racism from our world. Racism is when people are being discriminated or judged due to the colour of their skin.

Racism can come in many shapes and sizes, like the words people say or the actions they do. Racism can end if there are certain laws put to stop these actions. For example, if someone says something of offense to a particular race, they should be charged, they should be tried at court and they should potentially be placed in jail. This would stop people from using profanity and offensive language because they would be cautious of what they do. Changing the laws can also stop people from committing vile actions against people of colour. One specific example of this can be police brutality.

If there are stricter punishments against officers who are bashing, hurting and killing innocent is the world changing for the better essay, then we are one step closer to destroying racism. Aside from racism, poverty must also be stopped so that we can live in a better place. We, as the human race, can be heroes to these people. We should donate to multiple charities that help out people in need so that those people would be able to get more money to buy things like food and clothes. We could also donate food items to a food drive, so that people who are not that wealthy can get food items for cheaper prices, is the world changing for the better essay. Another thing we can do is to help out people who are living their lives out in the streets. Middle class people can give smaller donations to these homeless people such as a couple of dollars or even some food or drinks.

By doing actions like these, poverty would be killed and we would be another step closer to a better world. Finally, to achieve a better world, we must change the way some countries operate, specifically communist countries. The way these leaders treat their citizens and their neighbouring countries can sometimes be very dangerous as it leads to people living in fear of their own home, and dreading the fact that wars may start soon. The leaders of these countries must realize that they are not running their country properly, which overall negatively impacts the rest of the world.

Even in the past, communist countries never showed any positive effects on the world. Look at Nazi Germany, for example. They were a communist country believing that people is the world changing for the better essay are Jewish are not suitable to live, so they started killing all of them, starting the Holocaust. This, in turn, caused World War 2, which was a period of time where people were dying everyday, they were struggling to get food, and they were having trouble supporting family. Do events like this really need to happen again? If communist countries continue to do what they do, then we will never get to live in a peaceful world. In conclusion, the world would be a better place if racism, poverty and communist countries are stopped.

Our world has already gone through a lot of trauma from these three things, and by stopping them, we can live peacefully, as our ancestors once did. When will these things be stopped? How long must we wait in order to be happy? Well, this issue can only be solved if we all come together as one. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience.

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Technological advancements such as the internet have enabled us to easily access information in a matter of seconds. Scientific advancements such as vaccines have also allowed us to cure the seemingly incurable. These examples have shown that the world is changing for the better. When the internet was first introduced to the public, people were amazed by its capabilities. Even now, the internet is still constantly expanding and improving to make the world a better place. It could be used for research, studies, and even games. Its convenience and easy-access are also what makes it increasingly popular.

Through my personal experience, I have also learned that the internet makes knowledge and learning not only easier but also more accessible. In the past, when I had a question about a topic that was mentioned at school, I would have to leaf through countless number of books just to find my answer, but now with the simple click of a mouse, I can find my answer on the internet. The internet has indisputably made the world a better place by making life more convenient. Today 1 out of every adults is In prison or Jail Minnesota Dally The daily news always shows another dead body found or someone murdered.

Data from said there are 2. Yesterday my mom went for a walk in the park. She parked her car and when she came back from the walk one of her car doors was wide open. People can't even go to the park today without their car getting broken into! So my mother is keeping her doors in her car locked every time she gets out now. The US homicide rate is still one of the highest In the industrialized world. Has not only a messed up economy and high crime rates but racism is also a problem. Department store employees follow African Americans around in a store cause they think they may shoplift. The media are attracted to anything that smacks of racism Thomas. Los Angels Clippers owner Donald Sterling tells a friend he would rather not have black people showing up at his games Boston Globe.

The unemployment rate for blacks Is consistently about double that of whites Boston Globe. Well, there you have it. We have racism, an economy on the verge of collapsing, and crime is a problem everywhere you go. The economy is so messed up we can't live off of a full-time minimum wage job. In my opinion, we are destroying ourselves. Can we save our country before we destroy what Americans worked so hard to create? We need to do our best and save our country before all of the freedom we have, all of the cultures we have, disappears and the only explanation we will have at the end is it's too late.

All we did was sit here, everyone should do something and take a stand to make our country a better place. A country we can actually say is number 1 and have proof behind that statement. Order custom essay The World has changed for the worse with free plagiarism report. on The World has changed for the worse. Those that were most pessimistic about the future tended to have the least basic knowledge on how the world has changed. First, this is simply sad. The advent of technology, as usual, had its fair share of critics. However, currently, man is inseparable from his phone, his computer, and the internet.

People have become increasingly dependable on technological devices as new ones keep flocking the market. Travelling from one continent to another has also been made easier, and one cannot be faulted if they keep expecting more changes. Secondly, the world has also improved on some of the most crucial civil and social fronts. Initially, people were divided along different lines including racial lines with others holding a higher moral ground than others. The society had accepted that the blacks always come after the white people and that women will always come after men. Such backward and retrogressive thinking has since been left behind, and people have grown to become more accommodative.

Currently, issues of racism persist but people are opening themselves to the notion that living together as equal men and women is possible and should be the way forward. The old perceptions are slowly being phased out, and soon the world will be rid of divisive and retrogressive thinking. People have also become more educated and do not depend on a few learned individuals for information. With improvements in the education sector, the world has managed to conduct different studies and to explore the world further while discovering new things. People have come to agree that knowledge is power and therefore, giving it to everyone is the first step to goals such as self-determination. The world is indeed more enlightened and knowledgeable than it was decades and centuries ago and this is one of the most important achievements of the world.

In conclusion, there are different evils in the world and focusing on these only helps to hide the real impact of the change that has happened in the world. We have come a long way, and it is only fitting that we acknowledge the world is changing for the better.

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