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Day of the dead essay

Day of the dead essay

The altar of yellow marigold is a symbolic door between worlds, which is designed to help the souls to go home. Miller, C. In this regard, they should not devote to the practices because it is impractical. Fordham Univ Press, day of the dead essay, It is very significant and symbolic because yellow color means hope and life.


The Day of the Dead documentary highlights how Mexicans connect with the dead during the Day of the Dead ceremony. Alan Aldridge describes a cult as a religious devotion towards a particular object or figure 1. The Purepechas and other Mexicans religiously devote themselves to the dead during the ceremony. The ceremony derives the belief in life after death and the idea that the dead are invisible companions from the catholic denomination. Besides, repetitive pre-Hispanic rites from the previous generations inform the ceremony. The basic message day of the dead essay the ceremony is that the dead never die. They appear during the ceremony to spend time with the Mexican people.

As a way of paying homage to the dead, the living persons believe that they must offer gifts. They also believe that the dead can communicate amongst themselves and share their expectations. Therefore, the living persons imagine what the dead would prefer in terms of food, beverages and decorations. They gather the items and offer them to the dead by placing them on their tombs. In simple terms, the ceremony offers a day of the dead essay through which the living persons communicate with the dead. However, as discussed in this paper, the theoretical aspect of the ceremony shows that the ceremony fails to appeal to human reason, day of the dead essay.

This raises concerns regarding the ceremony as a practical religious function. Nevertheless, the assessment of social-sociological mode of expression shows that the ceremony focuses on appealing to emotions and needs, such as comfort and belonging. This explains why the Purepecha and other Mexicans adhere to a ceremony that is impractical according to normal religious standards. As Hent de Vries notes, the theoretical aspects of religion constitute the invisible world and the belief in ultimate reality or a supreme being 3. In any religion, these two constituents should have a strong basis to make the religion believable and trustworthy. The Day of the Dead depicts an invisible world with an ultimate reality, which is life after death.

Death is not a total separation or an absolute end because the dead are the invisible souls. However, does the claim have an ultimate basis? Essentially, the basis of this claim is tradition. As Amador highlights in the documentary, his family conducts the ceremony as informed by tradition. The ceremony is a custom that their grandparents and great-grandparents practiced. This makes it apparent that there is no basis of the life after death claim. How do the dead become invisible and where do they go? How do people know the dead are alive and invisible? There are no clear explanations to these questions, a clear indication that the source fails to offer a spiritual explanation of how the dead become living-invisible souls.

In simple terms, the ceremony fails to appeal to the human reason because many of its theoretical aspects are inconclusive. There is no ultimate reality and this makes it difficult to acknowledge that the ceremony has a reasonable spiritual basis. In religion, practical aspects include practices, behavior and worship. The Purepecha and other Mexicans perceive the Day of the Dead ceremony as an important function, day of the dead essay. Therefore, it is crucial that they devote to the ceremony to make it a success. Men hunt ducks and catch fish while women go to the market and cook for the dead.

This also goes for visiting the cemeteries, spending the night there to welcome the dead and chanting religiously during the ceremony. They also light the candles, which they associate with divinity. Nonetheless, is this what they are supposed to do? Markedly, as discussed in the theoretical section, the ceremony fails to appeal to the human reason. There is no explanation of how the dead become the living soul. This means that the Mexicans have no sound religious convictions as to why they should devote to the ceremony and its practices. It is equivalent to devoting themselves to what they do not comprehend or know about.

This seems unreasonable; they are blindly following traditions that have no basis just because their parents and previous generations followed them. In this regard, they should not devote to the practices because it is impractical. However, why do they still devote to the day of the dead essay even though it is apparent that it is impractical? As a form of a social institution, religion focuses on implementing and preserving its practices and teachings through its interaction with the larger society. In the process, it ensures that it appeals to emotions and needs 4. The Day of the Dead ceremony serves this function best and this explains why people devote to the ceremony in spite of its impractical nature. The ceremony strengthens family bonds as family members collaborate to make the ceremony a success.

In addition, while coming back from the market to purchase goods for the ceremony, Amador goes to help Estela to carry the day of the dead essay. More so, they set up the offerings together as a family. The ceremony also brings comfort to the Mexicans who have lost their loved ones by providing them with a sense of connection. Fundamentally, the ceremony makes people believe that their loved ones never died and are present at the ceremony with them. This creates the illusion that the dead never left them.

The ceremony also nurtures a sense of belonging at the community level, day of the dead essay. To welcome the dead to the cemetery, people collectively build an arch comprising of flowers. Besides, collective duties are assigned to the community members. For instance, children become the ministers of the ceremony. They climb the bell tower to ring the bells during the Wake to welcome the dead. More so, after the souls of the dead depart, people collect the bread and share it amongst themselves. This brings in a sense of happiness and identity.

It shows that everyone belongs to a hardworking community. Clearly, the Day of the Dead of the dead raises day of the dead essay, in terms of whether it is a practical day of the dead essay trustworthy religious ceremony or not. The theoretical aspects of the ceremony show that it does not appeal to human reason. The ceremony fails to prove the ultimate reality of its spirituality day of the dead essay the invisibility of the dead. This makes it difficult to get to the ultimate destiny or comprehend the basis of the ceremony. They do not understand the basis or the ultimate reality of the ceremony to warrant their unrelenting devotion. The ceremony brings to them a sense of comfort for losing their loved ones.

This also goes for nurturing a sense of belonging, happiness and identity as a hardworking community. Fordham Univ Press,day of the dead essay, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Day of the Dead. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Day of the Dead specifically for you! Not sure if you can write a paper on Day of the Dead by yourself? This essay on Day of the Dead was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly.

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Altars are now being used in the United States as tourist attractions and can be seen in public places such as museums. Chocolate is now being added to pan de muerto in traditional dishes. Poetry, musicals and parades are implemented in the festivities that once involved a more intimate gathering. Cities are hosting parades and children are dressing up as Lady of the Dead. Face painting and costumes are also part of the equation. Since the celebration is so close to Halloween, some things are being intertwined. In the article What to Know about Dia de Los Muertos, Tara John explains how the day is mimicking Halloween. Día de los Muertos has no relation to Halloween. The two occasions have very different meanings, yet people have combined the two.

On Oct. Chicago, Ft. Lauderdale and San Diego are a few other cities that give parades to celebrate the day. At the parades, people dress up and paint faces to resemble a skeleton. This may be different than how others celebrate, but the departed is still honored and that is the purpose. The introduction of Dia de los Muertos to the United States may have caused some evolution, but the sole reason behind the cultural tradition remains known. The point of this Mexican tradition is to celebrate the dead and that is what ultimately is being done. The days and way of celebrating may have been altered due to a new culture participating, but the reason is constant. While it is true that evolution will occur when something new is introduced, this is one Winston 5holiday that seems to keep the importance intact.

Dia de los Muertos is about honoring the dead and despite minor adjustments, is what is being done. Day of the Dead Essay. com, Aug 21, Accessed January 7, com , Aug Order paper like this. Did you like this example? Type your requirements and get professional help. Deadline: 10 days left. Number of pages. Email Invalid email. A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you! Stuck on ideas? Struggling with a concept? Get help with your assigment. Leave your email and we will send a sample to you. Email Send me the sample. Please check your inbox. Interested in this topic? Professional experts can help. Lomnitz asserts that the cultural appeal of the Day of the Dead is one part Christian heritage, one part Aztec heritage, and one part Mexican revolution.

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Home Topic. Download this Essay in word format. Excerpt from Essay : ¶ … Dead Dia de Muertos is a Mexican holiday that is also celebrated around the world in other countries where Hispanics are located, such as North America, Brazil, Spain, etc. Celebration Another ritual of celebrators of Day of the Dead is that they construct homemade altars for their houses and decorate them festively with candles, flowers, pictures of loved ones, and they also place the dead one's favorite foods and drinks on it to make the altar more. Read Full Essay. Dead Sea Scrolls Words: Length: 5 Pages Topic: Mythology - Religion Paper : Dead Man Walking-Mla Dead Man Walking Capital Words: Length: 6 Pages Topic: Criminal Justice Paper : Dead Sea Scrolls Words: Length: 10 Pages Topic: Mythology - Religion Paper : Day of the Dead Skeleton Calavera Art Words: Length: 10 Pages Topic: Death and Dying general Paper :

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