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Cystic fibrosis essay

Cystic fibrosis essay

If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Cystic fibrosis essay OK. For these reasons, anti-inflammatory therapy should be initiated in early life. As the disease progresses, changes include areas of infiltrate, adenopathy, and atelectasis. As stated previously, cystic fibrosis essay, respiratory infections are common and cause damage to the lungs. Over 30 successfully finished orders. Topic: What Is Cystic Fibrosis Essay How About Make It Original?

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Translate PDF. It disrupts the body's salt balance, leaving too little salt and cystic fibrosis essay on the outside of cells and cystic fibrosis essay the thin layer of mucus that usually keeps the lungs free of germs to become thick and sticky. This mucus is difficult to cough out, cystic fibrosis essay, and it clogs the lungs and airways, leading to infections and damaged lungs. The hereditary disease eventually leads to disability and multisystem failure due to the effects this mucus. In addition to the difficulties breathing and serious lung infections, CF mucus affects digestion by obstructing the pancreas and stopping natural enzymes from helping the body to break down and absorb food.

Symptoms of cystic fibrosis: Severity of the CF is governed by the type of gene mutation that the person has, and there are some 1, different types of mutation. These include a variety of lung diseases and infections, problems with the gastrointestinal system such as blockages and malabsorption, diabetes, clubbing of fingers and toes, osteoporosis, poor growth, and infertility. Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis: The majority of cystic fibrosis diagnoses occur just after birth as part of a newborn screening. An additional sweat test or genetic test will be conducted in order to confirm the diagnosis. A sweat tests consists of a small electrode placed on the skin that stimulates sweat glands to produce sweat.

The sweat is then analyzed in a lab to test the amount of chloride an ion found in salt. Chloride levels that are above a certain threshold indicate that the person has CF. A genetic test usually begins with a blood cystic fibrosis essay or a cell sample taken from inside the cheek. The sample is sent to a lab that can test for the existence of a few of the most common genetic mutations indicative of cystic fibrosis. Several tests are also used to monitor disease progression and identify any complications that may cystic fibrosis essay. These include X-rays and CAT scans, sputum examinations, lung function tests, cystic fibrosis essay, and blood tests, among others.

Causes of cystic fibrosis: Cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation in a gene called the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator CFTRwhich serves an important function in creating sweat, mucus, and digestive juices. Only one copy of this gene is needed to prevent cystic fibrosis, and most people have two copies. However, cystic fibrosis essay, if a person lacks at least one unaltered version of this gene that can produce a CFTR protein, cystic fibrosis will result. Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease in that one can only get it if his or her parents both are carriers.

A child must inherit two copies of the defective gene in order to have CF. Treatment of cystic fibrosis: There is cystic fibrosis essay known cure for cystic fibrosis. However, quality and length of life have been improved over the years through proper nutrition, specialized medical care, and aggressive drug treatments and therapies. Treatments will vary from person to person based cystic fibrosis essay the severity of the disease and the symptoms that are caused by the particular gene mutation. People with CF are almost always taking antibiotics in order to suppress the development of infections.

Much of cystic fibrosis treatment consists of methods to clear mucus from the airways, cystic fibrosis essay. Often, the techniques use vibrations to help loosen the mucus in the lungs so it can be coughed out. There are also medications such as mucus thinners, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and bronchodilators that help breathing and assist in the expulsion of mucus. Patients with CF will also take pills called pancreatic enzyme supplements before meals and snacks since the disease blocks pancreatic enzymes from getting into the intestines. These help CF patients to digest food and get proper nutrition. Sometimes, when lung function is especially low, physicians will recommend a double lung transplantation.

The future may see gene therapies that can place a healthy copy of the CFTR gene into affected cells. People who get cystic fibrosis: About 1 in 4, children in the United States are born with CF and some 30, children and adults are living with the disease. The prevalence is higher among Caucasian people - especially among western European populations. In fact, 1 in 22 people of Mediterranean descent carries one gene for CF, making CF the most common genetic disease in these populations. In addition, about 1 in every 31 Americans is a carrier of at least one copy of the defective gene. The predicted median life expectancy for individuals with cystic fibrosis was Preheat oven to °F °C. Whisk eggs and cream in a medium mixing bowl until well blended. Stir cheese into egg mixture.

Sprinkle bacon over pie crust. Pour egg mixture over bacon. Bake for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to °F °C and bake for approximately 35 minutes longer. Quiche is finished cooking when a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Let the quiche cool for a few minutes before cutting. Try adding some vegetables, such as onions or spinach. confectioner's sugar Directions: 1. Mix together all the ingredients listed to make the bottom layer and spread in greased baking pan. Mix together the remaining ingredients to make the middle layer and spread over cake mixture.

Bake for 35 minutes. Cool and sprinkle with confectioner's sugar. Related Papers Defective Ion Channel in Cystic Fibrosis: Current Development in Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis By Christian Nelson. Elevated Sweat Cystic fibrosis essay Level in Children Without Cystic fibrosis essay Fibrosis Receiving Topiramate or Zonisamide By Lokesh Guglani. Consensus Group Members By Cystic fibrosis essay Ramsay. Reproducibility of a Scoring System for Computed Tomography Scanning in Cystic Fibrosis By Hari Bandla. Download File. About Press Blog People Papers Job Board We're Hiring! Help Center Find new research papers in: Physics Chemistry Biology Health Sciences Ecology Earth Sciences Cognitive Science Mathematics Computer Science Terms Privacy Copyright Academia ©

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Because female organs are more radio -- sensitive women patients with cystic fibrosis have increased incidence risk ratio for all cancers. Patients with cystic fibrosis mainly succumb to respiratory fatalities. These patients should therefore be subjected to frequent diagnostic imaging of their gastrointestinal system to amicably address this disease's GI manifestations. Children should not be exposed to too much radiation. Radiation exposure can also be reduced by minimizing unnecessary supra-apical and infrapulmonary imaging on CT scans. Thyroid and breast cancer shields are also effective when pediatric patients are subjected to radiographic and CT studies.

Some of the respiratory manifestations of cystic fibrosis are presence of thickened secretions that come about when there is too much chloride and too much sodium transport from the mucous. Sticky mucus obstructs airflow in bronchioles and small bronchi Gould, With time patients develop bronchiectasis. This results into loss of elasticity, muscle integrity, and cartilage. Impaired mucociliary clearance causes stagnant mucous to harbor bacterial growth and infection. Mucous plugs the airways and encourages persistence of bacteria and airway damage. Production of highly viscous secretions blocks the airways and promotes vasoconstriction of micro vessels leading to altered ventilation-perfusion Gould, Chest radiography is one of the preferred methods used in initial evaluation of respiratory disease related to cystic fibrosis because it requires low radiation dose.

Other method used is sinus imaging that is used to ascertain degree of sinus impairment. It helps in evaluation of bronchochiectasis and tracheobronchial anatomy. Magnetic resonance imaging is also used in evaluation of patients with cystic fibrosis. It is appropriate for vascular and mediastinal anatomy evaluation. Treatment Treatment regimes are directed at preventing upper respiratory infections which are responsible for highest number of deaths in people with cystic fibrosis. Medications include mucolytic agents and bronchodilators which are used to thin out the thick tenacious mucous.

Use of broad spectrum prophylactic antibiotics is also recommended Scott, Postural drainage, percussion, coughing techniques, and breathing exercises also help patients dislodge secretions. Antibiotics treat the primary stimulus. Patients with mild lung disease can use corticosteroids especially those that are inhaled Scott, High dose ibuprofen can be used to inhibit lung deterioration. Bronchial artery embolization helps in treating significant hemoptysis. Other treatment regimes involve direct delivery of glycerin and amphotericin B. via intracavitary percutaneous instillation with CT guidance and lung transplantation Scott, Methods To access information about this disease I typed Google scholar into Google search engine.

Into the Google Scholar home page I typed cystic fibroids. A host or researches that had been done on cystic fibroids appeared ranging from systematic reviews to peer reviewed scientific journal articles appeared. I chose recent journal publications and systematic reviews. Publications from reputable scientific research bodies majoring on human health research like the Center for Disease Control were also considered. I did use some academic databases like NCBI. However, the only problem I encountered with them was that subscription was a requisite. There was no problem when it came to narrowing down on one particular search because I knew cystic fibrosis was one major respiratory challenge to many.

Case study A patient was brought to the hospital I was undergoing clinical practice who was suffering from intestinal obstruction. This patient exhibited some other symptoms. He had sticky mucous that accumulated and obstructed airflow in bronchioles and small bronchi. The chronic inflammation caused…. References List Gould, B. Pathophysiology for the Health Professions. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders. Jones, A. Emerging treatments in cystic fibrosis. Cystic Fibrosis CF is genetically inherited through a defective gene, which results in the body producing "abnormally thick and sticky fluid, called mucus. This mucus builds up in the breathing passages of the lungs and in the pancreas, the organ that helps to break down and absorb food.

Cystic Fibrosis: The Facts is a comprehensive, informative, and well-written book about the disease and its treatments. Ann Harris and Maurice Super address the book to a general audience, making the book extremely accessible to laypeople. Cystic Fibrosis: The Facts is an ideal source for people suffering from cystic fibrosis or for people who have loved ones suffering from the disease. Harris and Super divide the page book into several. As the text by Davis indicates, "as mutational analysis and patient data continue to be compiled, patient genotyping should prove useful in both prognosticating and providing a framework for evaluating. There is a wealth of available information, data and studies on CF. What it all means to the patients who suffer from this debilitating and life-threatening disease will be understood as this essay proceeds.

Chapter One Diagnosis and the Anatomy and Physiology of a Life Threatening Disease: Cystic. However, treatments can be used to reduce, if not nearly completely diminish, symptoms and minimize any other complications. Here are the conditional means: Therapy: People with cystic fibrosis need a way to physically remove thick mucus from their lungs. This is often done by manually clapping with cupped hands on the front and back of the chest -- a procedure that's best performed with the person's head over the edge of. Having this disease on top of that is almost asking for further trouble. The well siblings of those who are afflicted with this disease do not see it as a problem. They see that their parents do not treat them any differently than their sibling who has the disease.

The life of the child with this debilitating disease is not always as easy as some of these previous books have lead one to believe. This disease affects the person who has it, the siblings in the household, anyone who comes into contact with the sick person, and especially the parents of the sick individual. Yes, the afflicted is the most directly influenced by cystic fibrosis, but it is the parents who must provide most of the care to the person afflicted. As stated before special diets or extra vitamins can be required to help children digest their food properly, and antibiotics are given to fight lung infections.

In addition to all of this is the rigorous task of physiotherapy. This must be done two or three times daily so that the mucus does not have a chance to build up and cut off the supply of life giving air. Emergency hospitalization to combat lung infections and bowel obstructions are other factors that the parents of a cystic fibrosis patient must endure. This may be hard for them to cope with at first, but in the end will benefit all parties involved. The friends will better understand what their buddy has to go through with this disease.

It will become more acceptable, and fewer people will consider it an inhibition. Rather, it can be viewed as a learning experience for everybody who may come into contact with the child who endures the pain of cystic fibrosis. There are some cases that are not as severe as others are, but there are those that cannot be turned around quite as easily. Whether it is because the treatment did not get started early enough, or the disease is out of control death is a factor that must be considered in most cases involving cystic fibrosis.

Death will come to all of one day, but it may come earlier to some. The problems that some families may have with their communication can cause great pain and suffering when it comes time to dealing with the death of a loved one. Cystic fibrosis is a disease that can take the life of some one who is very close to our hearts. Education of the treatments, side effects, and problems involving this disease is key to winning the battle against it. The more people can know about different situations that better. Home Page Science Biology Cystic Fibrosis What Is Cystic Fibrosis Essay.

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