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Physical activity essay

Physical activity essay

Quality of life and physical activity in liver transplantation patients. training system is a continuing education program developed for the sports performance, physical activity essay, rehab, and strength and conditioning communities. Works Cited About SeniorNet. Jay Cutler's History Of Life And Bodybuilding Essay. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9 physical activity essay PE System People Express's PE System People Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Bibliography Porter, A.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Fitness — Proper Planning of Physical Fitness. Any subject. Any type of essay. It is one of the very few physical activity essay each of us can have complete control over, physical activity essay, abiding with any medical condition s which may interfere with total fitness I. metabolic conditions, cardiovascular health problems, high blood pressure, or any pre-existing injury with either short or long term affects, physical activity essay. As human beings possess the unique ability of conscious thought, for most people, extreme physical fitness requires deep thought, determination and willpower to achieve.

Maintaining a consistent amount of physical fitness and level of overall good health and well-being is very important as it improves total body functions both mental and physical. All forms of exercise can be an effective method in helping maintain relatively low levels of pain and may help in preventing medical issues. Exercise also helps to greatly decrease the risks and rate of obesity in children and adults. As stated in an article written by Erin Raupers, Administrator at Penn State Universityexercise has the potential to act as a distraction from day-to-day stress, physical activity essay. serotonin, endorphins, and stress hormones, physical activity essay. Serotonin and endorphins are both chemicals that are known to improve mental health. In fact, many studies have found that in increased amounts, physical activity essay, the two are extremely advantageous in improving depression.

This, physical activity essay, is not newly discovered information. Fortunately, frequent and consistent exercise goes great lengths in increasing the production of this mood booster. Another reason it is vital to use exercising as a fundamental part in maintaining a positive mental attitude is because it reduces the odds physical activity essay which somebody may develop poor eating habits, or an eating disorder such as bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating textbook. However, consuming certain foods may increase the amount of tryptophan within your body, tryptophan being what serotonin is composed of. Meals with the majority of foods compiled of carbohydrates is physical activity essay in order to have maximum tryptophan reach the brain and increase serotonin levels.

Carb heavy meals are better, as opposed to protein-rich meals because then the amino acids released from those foods fill your brain allowing for very minute levels of tryptophan which then equates to very little or no rise in serotonin. Tryptophan is available in high amounts in foods like meats, dairy, nuts, and fowl the flesh of birds according to award-winning medical journalist Colette Bouchez There are many physical activity essay of life in which an elevated degree of physical bodily functions is constructive; whether it be your day-to-day life, or a demand of your career, etc. For example, if the profession is more physically demanding, it is imperative that the person is able to keep up to par in order to perform as well as possible, physical activity essay.

Excellent performance bears nothing but benefits as it may result in praise from supervisors, physical activity essay, physical activity essay, peers, and physical activity essay possibly lead to a promotion which would also improve mental health. Exercise, both vigorous and not, may be used by individuals in order to manage pain levels and prevent worsening pre-existing conditions. For people suffering from chronic pain or illness, a less strenuous style of fitness may go great lengths in helping cope and live a more enjoyable and healthier lifestyle, according to Doctor Marc White, the Scientific and Executive Director of Work Wellness and Disability Prevention Institute Examples of these exercises include going on walks throughout your neighbourhood, swimming, yoga, etc, physical activity essay.

Exercise is crucial in improving arthritic conditions as the movements boost flexibility, physical activity essay, something hindered greatly by the disease White Exercise has the ability to lower amounts of pain in the arthritic joints affected, and also assists in warding off feelings of drowsiness. More benefits include: upkeeping skeletal strength, physical activity essay, providing a boost in energy, assisting in maintaining your physical activity essay, and overall increasing your quality of life as stated by Mayo Clinic Staff Knowing your limits and staying within them is a great thing to know as overdoing it may cause severe pain, possibly more so than previous.

Another chronic condition greatly improved by physical fitness is diabetes. Exercise can potentially assist the rate at which insulin lowers blood sugar, as well as manage weight and increase energy levels Mayo Clinic Staff Obesity in Canada is rapidly increasing with very little signs of stoppage or reduction in the relatively near future. Reasons for such high rates include: individual genetic makeup, dietary habits, lack of physical activity, as well as our social, cultural, physical, and economic surroundings, stated by. The most important factor however, is the convenience of our world today.

It has never been so simple to complete everyday tasks as a result of constantly revolutionizing technology, physical activity essay. Whether it is watching television, browsing social media, physical activity essay, online shopping, or playing video games society as a whole; men, women, adults and youth are all voluntarily victims to this plague which is negatively affecting us as much as it does benefit us, says. Such activities seem to effectively promote staying indoors and limits physical activity, which ultimately leads to an increase in weight gain and eventually obesity, as proven by recent studies across the globe. Far too many people nationally seem to have forgotten the importance of daily and vigorous physical activity.

In fact, as ofroughly This equates to approximately 5. According to the Wayne State University Physician Groupexercise is the most pivotal role in nursing one back to a moderate weight and because it is so, it is very important that it be introduced immediately into the lifestyle of an individual suffering from obesity. diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and specific types of cancers such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and colorectal cancer Wayne State University Physician Group. High levels of physical fitness and wellbeing of an individual reaps many benefits as it is very important to make a conscious effort to maintain a consistent workout schedule and dietary plan.

Exercising also reduces the risk of acquiring potentially fatal health conditions and it will reduce the rates of people, both men and women, adults and youth from being defined as obese or overweight. For some, this could mean a complete change in lifestyle, a highly advantageous and extremely beneficial one, physical activity essay. It demands copious amounts of dedication, will-power, physical activity essay, hard work, and determination in order to reach the goal of being physically fit and overall healthy. It also may require the termination of certain habits which negatively affect your health either short or long term.

Some of these habits include smoking, frequent consumption of alcohol, any recreational drug use, playing video games, and even watching television for lengthily periods of time. Even if the exercise is as minor as taking a dog out for a walk, or going to check the mail, any physical activity will physical activity essay improve the livelihood of millions as long as it is performed consistently each and every day. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Physical activity essay, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper.

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Girls have similarities to boys, this is true in many aspects, but they are also different. While boys are touted for their physical prowess and their fitness level, girls are praised for their beauty and "girlish" behavior. Complex social behavior along with…. References Beltran-Carrillo, V. When Physical Activity Participation Promotes Inactivity: Negative Experiences of Spanish Adolescents in Physical Education and Sport. Butt, J. Adolescent Physical Activity Participation and Motivational Determinants Across Gender, Age, and Race. Gender, perceived competence and the enjoyment of physical education in children: a longitudinal examination.

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9 1 , Dudley, D. A systematic review of the effectiveness of physical education and school sport interventions targeting physical activity, movement skills and enjoyment of physical activity. European Physical Education Review, 17 3 , No, we have no indication that it was accurately measured. We know that the results were hindered by water -- so those who sweat may have disabled the device or changed the result. There was no analysis of the results of sexual maturity on BMI or exercise.

Since all three groups could be aggregated for this portion of the study, the results might have been interesting and suggestive. Yes and no. We need to have an indication of the n. For each compliant subgroup, not just the total group. Yes, and the non-compliance should have been explained. Also, moving from the target of 7 days to 3 days smacks of a failed study -- either the measurement technique was too fussy, or…. Columbia Encyclopedia, testosterone is the principal androgen, or male sex hormone. Although it is a male sex hormone, it is also produced in a small amount in women. Testosterone is necessary in the fetus for the development of male external genitalia. The levels of testosterone increase at the time of puberty; therefore, contributing to the further growth of male genitalia, and for the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics, such as facial hair and voice changes.

Effects of Testosterone Testosterone is the most important male sex hormone as it helps in the production of sperm and helps in the production and maintenance of masculine characteristics such as a deep voice, strong muscles. It also helps to increase libido in order to heighten a man's sexual satisfaction. ithout a doubt, it is the hormone that every man wants. Low levels of testosterone can negatively affect a man's sexual drive,…. Works cited Ardis, L. Testosterone research trends. New York: Nova Biomedical Books, Cumming, David C, Garry D. Wheeler and Ewen M. HAakonsen, Linn Berger, Ane Marie Thulstrup, Anette SkAerbech Aggerholm, JOrn Olsen, Jens Peter Bonde, Claus Yding Andersen, Mona Bungum, Emil Hagen Ernst, Mette Lausten Hansen, Erik Hagen Ernst and Others. Results from a cohort of severely obese men.

Hiruntrakul, Ashira, Ratanavadee Nanagara, Alongkot Emasithi and Katarina T. physical activity could significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease of individuals. The transtheoretical model believes that for change to be most effective it has to be introduced in a number of changes and that all changes must be passed through for change to occur. Their resource, called mall teps, was a self-help kit to help people move through the required stages. Their challenges were: firstly targeting the kit to those in the appropriate stages of change and secondly, finding means of evaluating the program.

Finally, the organization, having a limited budget, had to do this in a cost-reductive manner. During February and March , residents of two cities in outhern Ontario were contacted via a door-to-door campaign, advertisements, events, radio announcements, and flyers in grocery bags. Residents in…. Source Poscente, N. et al. Using marketing research methods to evaluate a stage-specific intrvention, Am J. Health Behav,26, Critique of work. The Impact of Physical Activity in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention The relevance of regular physical activity cannot be overstated.

A review of current literature clearly demonstrates that physical activity not only promotes the overall wellbeing of an individual, but also plays a key role in the prevention of various chronic illnesses. With heart disease being billed as one of the most serious health concerns in the U. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — CDC Physical Activity and Health. htm Warburton, D. Health Benefits of Physical Activity: The Evidence. CMAJ, 6 , — Physical Activity Sociological Aspects of Physical Activity Sociological Aspects of Physical Activity of Children Sociological Aspects of Physical Activity of Children Sociological Aspects of Physical Activity of Children Physical activity patterns among children are affected by aspects pertaining to individual, school, and community levels.

At the individual level, physical activity participation is highest among boys, and socioeconomic differences are less consistently reported. Some degree of socialization is necessary for voluntary participation in physical activity to occur. The reasons for the prominence of these agents in socialization would include the intensity and frequency of contact, and the ability of these institutions or individuals to control rewards and punishments. Socialization affects the attitudes, values…. References Bower, J. The childcare environment and children's physical activity. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34, 23 -- Brown, William H; Pfeiffer, Karin A.

Social and Environmental Factors Associated With Preschoolers' Nonsedentary Physical Activity. Child Development, Volume 80, Number 1, Pages 45 -- Carver A, Timperio A, Crawford D. Playing it safe: the influence of neighborhood safety on children's physical activity. A review. Health Place. Cradock AL, Kawachi I, Colditz GA, Gortmaker SL, Buka SL. Social Science Med. Supertracker Physical Activity Report This discussion concerns the result of my physical activity report for March 3rd-9th, This report compares my actual exercise habits vs. The goals that were set out for me using USDA guidelines for good health. The report will focus on the outputs of my exercise, the changes I should make to my exercise habits and the types of amounts of exercise that would work best for me.

My Activity The target for my activity for the week was to exercise for minutes, which would be five workouts of thirty minutes in length, or three fifty-minute workouts. I was only able to work out for sixty minutes in the course of the week. There were three workouts, but they were only around twenty minutes each time. After the twenty-minute workouts of weightlifting, I engaged in 2km of walking as a cool-down and aerobic exercise. Works Cited: Supertracker. Introduction There is a rapid increase in the number of people who are living into older age. This essay will discuss the incidence of fall that is attributed to a lack of physical activity by people who are 65 years and above. The lack of physical activity for these individuals will be evaluated with a focus on the number of falls that are experienced by both women and men.

The impact of falls will be examined to establish the efficacy and the health care costs associated with the fall. It has been established that nurses do play a vital role in promoting physical activity amongst the elderly within the community. This essay will…. References Chavez, K. International practice settings, interventions and outcomes of nurse practitioners in geriatric care: A scoping review. International journal of nursing studies, 78, Clancy, A. Journal of clinical nursing, 25 , Ding, L. Muscle weakness is related to slip-initiated falls among community-dwelling older adults.

Journal of biomechanics, 49 2 , Hua, F. Falls prevention in older age in Western Pacific Asia Region. WHO Background Paper to the Global Report on Falls among Older Persons. King, A. Interventions to promote physical activity by older adults. Kwan, E. Assessment and management of falls in older people. CMAJ, 16 , EE Trombetti, A. Age-associated declines in muscle mass, strength, power, and physical performance: impact on fear of falling and quality of life. Osteoporosis international, 27 2 , Vieira, E. Prevention of falls in older people living in the community. Bmj, , i Survey Design and ReflectionOne of the major health-related problems considered the root causes for all chief diseases in the later stages of life is reduced physical activity and improper diet. The problem needs to be addressed even in developing countries to reduce healthcare costs and the economic impacts Dubasi et al.

This paper aims to design a survey see Appendix that would help gain information from the individuals impacted by the health-related issue. Also, the reasons for formulating the questionnaire would be provided based on the relevant literature and the rationale for choosing the questions according to best practices. Use of Best Practices in Design and Analysis in Construction of Survey QuestionsThe primary best practice for formulating any survey advises keeping the survey simple. This strategy was used explicitly in the survey of this paper as no fancy words were used to make it easy to understand for the respondent.

References Borraccino, A. Unhealthy food consumption in adolescence: Role of sedentary behaviors and modifiers in , and year-old Italians. European Journal of Public Health, 26 4 , Using simple random sample to study larger populations. asp Dubasi, S. Questionnaire to assess adherence to diet and exercise advices for weight management in lifestyle-related diseases. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 8 2 , Integrated role of nutrition and physical activity for lifelong health. Nutrients, 11 7 , The Healthy People physical activity goals are evidence-based, grounded in science that shows that exercise benefits physical and mental health. As a public health initiative, the Healthy People addresses the structural, sociological, and political factors that impact physical activity.

I appreciate the fact that the government recognizes that environmental factors are just as important, if not more so, than individual motivation to exercise and therefore fully support these initiatives. Exercise compliance is certainly not easy with my patient population, which reflects the majority of Americans who do not get enough exercise. I have tried to introduce my clients to wearable technologies and similar tools that can provide regular feedback and allow for the evolution of a personalized exercise plan. Some of these systems include the digestive system, the nervous system, and the respiratory system. Each system plays a part in regulating the body and maintaining the health of the individual.

Wearable sensors allow for individuals with disabilities to interact with others in a meaningful way Rodriguez et al. They are also being used to promote learning and the health of learners. As Nugent, Barker, Lester, Grandgenett and Valentine explain, wearable technologys integration of engineering, computing, and aesthetics promises to be an excellent interdisciplinary context to support students STEM learning and attitudes at the upper elementary level p. Other researchers…. References Camarillo-Abad, H. An environment for motor skill transfer based on wearable haptic communication. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 25 2 , Carroll, M. The M. training system is a continuing education program developed for the sports performance, rehab, and strength and conditioning communities.

The program consists of a basic and specialized certificate of proficiency course. is an acronym for Movement, Overspeed, Resistance and Reaction MORR overview, The Russians trained their athletes in a sports specific and position specific system, using overspeed, resistance and reaction. The purpose of this system is to provide training and instruction for coaches and trainers who want to add movement specific training to their coaching repertoire. Chip Smith Performance Systems has been training athletes in this system for over 30 years and is ready to help coaches and trainers successfully implement the M.

training system MORR…. References Donne, M. Physiological changes following a week gym-based stair-climbing, elliptical trainer and treadmill running program in females. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 44 2 , Gillis, C. How to build a better athlete. Maclean's, 41 , Lorenz, D. Current review and suggested implementation for athletic rehabilitation. Sports Health, 2 6 , MORR overview. Hammer Smith Sports. Smith, C. MORR performance training manual. ISBN: Tomlinson, D. Body fat percentage, body mass index, fat mass index and the ageing bone: Their singular and combined roles linked to physical activity and diet. Nutrients, 11 1 , Is Binge Watching Harmful?

The average time spent binge watching is just over three hours, which means it is really nothing different from watching a long movie. Are people spending more time in front of screens than they used to? It absolutely isespecially since the COVID lockdowns of , when people spent as much as 13 hours per day in front of a screen Eyesafe. This is perhaps the more alarming statistic because it means that people are not interacting as much with one another or with nature out in the real world. That kind of disconnect can be harmful on psychological, emotional and social levels. As the Cleveland Clinic notes, it can lead to depersonalization and derealization disorder. However, not every binge watcher is going to develop such a disorder.

If the binge watching does not interfere with ones ability to interact socially, perform ones work, or maintain a normal,…. Works Cited Cleveland Clinic. html Spoon University. Physical Changes In the past few months my current exercises has changed my physical life dramatically. I have already realized that movement is a medicine when used appropriately and I have managed to significantly develop my ability to listen to the needs of my body and get involved in the type of practice that will be most beneficial to my life. Different physical changes have taken place in my life in my endeavor to live a healthy life. My body composition has changed significantly mainly since I started taking my exercises. Following my exercise mechanisms, there has been reduction in the percentage of body fat as well as through the increase of lean muscle mass in my different parts of my body, Kahn, E.

Also changing my eating habit has facilitated change in my body composition. I have reduced consuming junky foods which may increase fats in by…. Reference Kahn, E. May A systematic review. Prev Med 22 4 Suppl :. Healthy People ; Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity The Healthy People initiative looks at a n umber of different health issues which face the American population and sets out some goals for improving the current health status of the nation. One of the topics is nutrition, physical activity and obesity. The consumption of a healthy diet and a sufficient level of activity are for the maintenance of a healthy weight. A major issue in the use is an increasingly level of obesity; with problems leading this is a failure including the consumption of excessive calories, high intakes of saturated and trans fats as well as high intakes of other unhealthy inputs such as sugar, cholesterol, salt and alcohol Healthy People, This is further aggravated by lower levels of physical activity to burn off the calories consumed, which leads to the body storing the energy and weight gain taking….

References CDC, , U. html Faith MS, Kral TVE. Washington DC : National Academies Press U. aspx Nutrition. Incorporating other unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as smoking, abusing alcohol, and abuse of other drug complexes the health status of an individual; hence, a premature death Tarnopolsky, A strong relationship exists between physical activity and exercises and the risks of cardiovascular diseases. Poor lifestyles contribute to a variety of risk factors such as high levels of lipids in the blood, obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure that causes cardiovascular complications. Significant evidence shows that reducing these risk factors reduces the risks of an individual having cardiovascular conditions such as stroke, cardiac arrest, and coronary heart disease. egular exercises and physical activity reduce these risk factors in a number of ways.

For instance, it promotes the reduction of the body weight that helps in the reduction of…. References 8 Benefits of exercising. Exercise and well-being: a review of mental and physical hea aspx Medical aspects of exercise: benefits and risks.. London: Royal College of Physicians of London. Promoting Physical Activity and Active Communities In recent years, obesity has become a major global problem that is associated with a wide range of adverse physical and psychosocial healthcare outcomes. In developed nations such as Australia, childhood and adolescent obesity has assumed near-epidemic levels as a result of poor nutritional habits and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, but other socioeconomic factors have been shown to play a role in the prevalence of obesity as well.

Therefore, identifying current trends and best practices represents a timely and valuable enterprise, the significance of which is discussed further below. Significance of the Health Issue in Australia Because the healthcare needs of populations change over time, formulating effective health promotion interventions is a challenging endeavor, but such interventions are needed to help contribute to a framework in which a wide range of individuals, groups and sectors of society can receive the social support services they…. References Broom, D. Coveney, J. Since my lesson was to involve physical activities and instructions, I divided the objectives into two categories; language objectives and active participation objectives.

This break down would help me be exhaustive and thorough as possible. By the end of the lesson, the students would be in a position to clearly explain the meaning of interval workout. The students would also be able to practically show and participate in the various challenges that would exemplify what interval workout means. For the exceptional students in the physical activities, they would try to make the time lapse for the low intensity…. References University of Oregon, Students Learning Outcomes: To Transform and Advance Student Learning. Vitamin D Supplementation increases Voluntary Physical Activity Levels in Nursing Home Patients Over the course of a semester does vitamin D3 supplementation, and the resultant increase in muscle strength and bone density, lead to increased physical activity in nursing home residents in the absence of added encouragement?

The elderly often suffer from low serum levels of vitamin D, reduced muscle strength, and decreased bone density reviewed in: Hamilton, Muscle biopsies have revealed that the muscle fibers most affected in the elderly are type II, the 'fast twitch' fibers. When a person begins to fall they instinctively attempt to prevent or break their fall and this reaction depends heavily on fast twitch muscle fibers. The elderly therefore suffer from an increased risk of falling down and bone fractures. Although conclusive evidence has yet to be found that low serum levels of vitamin D cause this condition, there is a large….

Bibliography: Hamilton, B. Vitamin D and human skeletal muscle. Williamson, J. Changes in cognitive function in a randomized trial of physical activity: Results of the Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders pilot study. Journal of Gerontology, 64A, Semba, R. Low serum hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are associated with greater all-cause mortality in older community-dwelling women. Nutrition Research, 29, European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-C30 questionnaire. Quality of Life Measures Quality of life is measured using a variety of surveys. The most common of these surveys is the Short-Form Health Survey SF , which measures several categories of physical functioning, as well as containing a Mental Health Component MCS.

Another commonly used quality of life measure is the Dutch AND Masala, etl al used the International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ and the item Medical Outcomes Study as well as the SF The van Ginneken et al. Physical Activities Measures Physical activity is measured with a number of self-assessment and objective tools including peak oxygen uptake during cycle ergometry, walking distance in a timed exercise, "isokinetic muscle strength of knee extensors, body mass index, waist circumference, skinfold thickness," and….

References Krasnoff, J. A randomized trial of exercise and dietary counseling after liver transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation 6 : Masala, D. Quality of life and physical activity in liver transplantation patients. Transplant Proceedings 44 : Roi, G. Physical activity in solid organ transplant recipients. Transplantation Proceedings 46, Rongies, W. Physical activity long-term after liver transplantation yields better quality of life. Ann Transplant 16 3 : Health Promotion and Dr. The target population of this particular objective consists of adults at a behavioral health clinic located in a low income area. My plan is to execute a 7-week exercise class with health education to promote physical activity.

The goal of the plan is to embed physical activity in the daily lives and routines of the adult clients at the clinic. This paper will examine the 7 phases of the Precede-Proceed Model and show how they apply to the Healthy People objective described above. Phase 1: Social Assessment and Situational Analysis The health status of the low income community in which our behavioral health clinic is situated is not the best. A windshield survey indicates that few people are outdoors exercising, playing…. Cunningham-Myrie, C. Associations between neighborhood effects and physical activity, obesity, and diabetes: The Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 68 9 : Why was the study done?

Was there a clear explanation of the purpose of the study and, if so, what was it? This study was conducted in order to provide insight into the effect of "neighborhood disorder, perceived neighborhood safety," and the existence of ready access to recreational facilities on the incidence of three variables -- physical activity, obesity and Type 2 diabetes p. Thus, there was a clear indication and explanation of the purpose of the study and what it entailed. Essentially, this study set out to show whether there was a relationship between neighborhood safety or the perception of safety and physical activity among the inhabitants of that community or lack thereof, which would result…. Attacks by stray dogs, interference by bystanders or other pedestrians or acts of God will invalidate any given walk which would then have to be repeated to ensure the reliability of the results.

It is the hypothesis of this experiment that a researcher will require more time to complete steps walking uphill than walking on a similar surface that is…. Community Health Education Project The Healthy People topic selected for this community health education project is Physical Education. This indicates that there is a need to educate the community on the importance of physical activity. This issue is a priority for the community of…. For younger learners in the primary education levels, this separation of young children from adolescents may seem on the face of it like a common sense approach to education—yet, as Gray and Feldman point out, separation such as this actually is more restrictive to the educative experience than it is facilitative.

Vygotsky was an early 20th century Soviet thinker who articulated the idea that individuals learn most effectively when they are aided by other skilled individuals who know how to perform a certain task. Child learners can benefit, for example, from being placed in a zone of proximal development: alone or confined to a sphere in which they…. Physical Security Controls Using attached Annotated outline provide a 5-page paper Physical Security Controls. I attached Annotated Outline Physical Security Controls. You references I Annotated Outline. The advancement in technology has given rise to numerous computer security threats. It has become quite difficult to identify people online because many people use the internet with fake identities.

This has made it easy for people to conduct criminal activities online. Online security of computer systems should be combined with physical security to ensure that no unauthorized person gain access to the systems. A physical security control can be termed as any obstacle used to delay serious attackers, and frustrate trivial attackers. This way a company or organization can be assured of the security if its information and computer systems. Majority of organizations use computer systems to store sensitive company information and employee data. This data needs to be properly secured to ensure…. References Backhouse, J. Toward public-key infrastructure interoperability. Communications of the ACM, 46 6 , Boatwright, M. What do we know about biometrics authentication?

Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 4th annual conference on Information security curriculum development, Kennesaw, Georgia. Shelfer, K. Smart card evolution. Communications of the ACM, 45 7 , Physical Security Controls To document the importance of physical security controls as it relates to the massive pervasiveness of online theft and cyber crime Background information on the identification and authentication of people. With the advent of the internet it is often very difficult to properly identify the individual in which business is conducted with. With the extreme ease of the internet comes the secrecy of potential criminal lurking through the shadows. Identification and authentication therefore have profound impacts on how to better protect assets from criminals.

The importance of information systems security and how it relates to globalization Information systems, particularly those that store personal information, often are very senstivie to criminal activity. Therefore physical store techniques mandate that sensitivity information be locked away and under intense surveillance. Aspects such as disposable drives, printers and workstations should also be considered. Brief overview of the paper. The remainder…. References 1. Backhouse, J. Retrieved April 25, , from ACM. Bala, D. Biometrics and information security.

Proceedings of the 5th annual conference on Information security curriculum development, Retrieved March 31, , from ACM. Proceedings of the 4th annual conference on Information security curriculum development, 31, Retrieved March 31, , from ACM. Chan, A. Integrating smart card access to web-based medical information systems. Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Applied computing, Retrieved February 13, , from ACM. Physical Program for Virginia Fire Fighters The Need for a Physical Fitness Program for Virginia Fire Departments Fire fighters hold a special place within American society.

They help keep our urban and rural landscapes safe from blazes of all kinds. Yet, even in a much more rigid bureaucratic environment, many firefighters within certain departments like here in Virginia failed to meet the physical standard that would provide the utmost level of safety. Although the physical requirements for entering the fire department are strenuous, the state of Virginia lacks a mandatory physical fitness program for its fire fighters that would ensure a continuous level of physical fitness and thus the highest level of performance in the most dangerous situations.

Significance of the Problem: Lack of Available Physical Fitness Programs To think of an unfit fire fighter is an extremely dangerous problem. Currently, there is only an entry physical exam test Virginia…. References Biddle, Daniel A. Using work-sample physical ability tests to maintain fitness standards of incumbent fire fighters. Fire and Police Selection, Inc. pdf Calcagno, Guido. Physical fitness in the fire service. Fire Engineering. html NIOSH. Death in the line of duty: Fire fighter trainee suffers sudden cardiac death during maze training in Virginia.

Faculty Assessment and Control Evaluation Investigation Report F pdf Sherek, Becky. The four components of firefighter fitness. Physical Attraction in the Internet Age Since its inception the internet has affected nearly every aspect of society so it is only natural that it would eventually impact on our most intimate of relationships: romance. In just a short twenty years the internet has nearly revolutionized the dating process and determined who and how we meet each for purposes of establishing both casual and permanent romantic relationships.

The internet dating business is one of the few to not only survive but also prosper in these precarious economic times Carpenter. In the context of this paper internet dating is defined as the use of a database of potential dating partners, usually located in close geographical proximity, to find someone with whom one feels some connection. The format of most dating services is similar. The sites, whether…. Works Cited Card, David. Paid Content Forecast, to Cambridge, MA: Jupiter Research, Carpenter, Susan. Epstein, Robert. Franks, Christiana. PE System People Express's PE System People Express's PE System, Style Skills Strategy Implementation and perspectives People Express PE views itself as the largest and profitable economical, short-haul airline from North America.

From this Vision, the Company came up with the corporate strategies which will help PE to achieve what it wants to become in the future. People Express PE needs to expand its operations continuously country wide through the development of new routes and a new hub, as the company adapts internal structure and capabilities to fit with the strategic growth. Also the employees remain the force behind growth, just as the low rates, efficiency and customer experience are keys to success in order to continue being an economical and short haul airline. People Express PE does not follow the traditional management control or the conventional budgetary systems. Instead it opts for a new system that extends beyond financial….

In fact, the entire damage was caused by the tsunami itself along with other factors like the geology and geography of the region. The damage that the tsunami caused to mainland India, a seismically quiescent region, was concentrated mainly on the eastern coastline but some damage due to diffraction also occurred on the southernmost tip of the western coastline. A factor which played a major role in the scale of devastation that occurred in this region is the bathymetry of the Bay of Bengal. The Bay of Bengal is quite shallow with an average depth of meters. The shallowness can be attributed to the huge amount of sediment that the Ganges iver deposits in it.

Strand; Masek, 40 After the earthquake, the bay was sealed off by the deep Sunda Trench and the tsunami waves were reflected back towards the Indian Ocean striking the eastern Indian coastline within two…. References Bernard, Eddie N; Robinson, Allan R. The Sea Tsunamis. Harvard University Press. Bilham, R; Engdahl, E. R; Feldl, N; Satyabala, S. Partial and Complete Rupture of the Indo-Andaman plate boundary University of Colorado, Boulder. Physical Security Design The physical security of any entity is largely pegged on the risk assessment mechanisms used. Prior to implementing any physical security plans, it is fundamental to comprehend the types of threats that the entity is faced with, the possibility that the threats will occur, and the level of damage likely to be inflicted in the threat happens.

Firms involved in risk management should be able to assist in the identification of the vulnerability areas and thereafter form a functional and sound physical security plan. Schools, businesses, government agencies, and private institutions and individuals and can enjoy the benefits of using exert help in risk management. In order to prevent theft business entities with large inventory, schools, government institutions with confidential and privileged data and personal private residents require comprehensive physical security systems. Physical safety is one of the most vulnerable. The times we live in today detail…. Integrating Children with Autism into a Physical Activity and ecreation Setting The purpose of this study was to examine the patterns of behavior of children who were severely handicapped and autistic as they were integrated into a physical education and exercise program Schleien, et al.

The desire was to determine whether the social and behavioral skills of these children were improved after they had been exposed to an exercise and physical education program, or whether there was no difference seen. The way that the handicapped children were treated by the other children in the program - who were not handicapped - was also examined, in an effort to draw conclusions about how individuals treat those who are different and whether those differences cause children to shun others or accept them. Only two handicapped children were used for the study, and they were eight and eleven years old Schleien, et….

She also writes that because weight training improves cognition, there is most likely to be more multi-factorial adaptations in the brain involving the growth of new brain and nerve cells, an increase in neurotransmitters chemical substance that transmit a nerve impulse across a synapse where nerve endings come extremely close and new brain blood vessels cause the system to be more efficient due to oxygenations and delivery systems are optimized. In addition, the research is convincing that resistance training can appreciably improve cognitive function. There 's also a common group of people it affects the most. It mostly targets the young which increases the growth in obese population for both countries.

This obesity epidemic occurs world wide however, America and Mexico have the greatest number of obesity in a…. Endorphins trigger positive thoughts and make it healthier and safer for your body and attitude. When you are happy and have an open mind you make safer choice. One great thing about CrossFit is that it makes you use more muscle tissue than aerobic cardio exercise Dr. There are three types of muscle fibers that are used in working-out. Super-fast fibers are useful in strength building and health. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Benefits Of Physical Activity Essay.

Benefits Of Physical Activity Essay Words 6 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Related Documents Importance Of Core Exercises Core exercises should definitely be a part of your train routine. Read More. Words: - Pages: 4. Words: - Pages: 5. Summary: The Benefits Of Exercising Tai chi was reported to increase confidence which came from self-satisfaction and being more physically fit. Words: - Pages: 9. The Benefits Of Gaining Muscle For many individuals, weight training is a source of therapy in the sense that it allows them to safely exert a days worth of frustration or aggression in a healthy way that benefits both the mind and body.

Words: - Pages: 3. Balance Board Research Paper Using wobble boards greatly improves core strength and leads to better weight distribution. Words: - Pages: 2. Model Of Jenny Craig One reason why exercise is mandatory is it reduces the risk of diseases like diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease; and to prevent the complications associated with those conditions, such as premature death and blindness. Weight Training Vs Strength Training Working out has been known to relieve stress and anxiety, but it does more than that. Words: - Pages: 6. Obesity In Mexico There 's also a common group of people it affects the most. Pros And Cons Of Crossfit Essay Endorphins trigger positive thoughts and make it healthier and safer for your body and attitude.

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