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Causes of the english civil war essay

Causes of the english civil war essay

While the kingdom was on edge of war with Spain, causes of the english civil war essay, James passed in Henry had managed to control all three families and prevent them from acquiring too much power and minimised feuds between the nobility. Was the Civil War Fought over Slavery? Soon after, King John went back to battle against France and needed the money from his vassals, the Barons. Rights and Responsibilities in History- Magna Carta Words 2 Pages. The Royalists were called Cavaliers, a reference to the Spanish word caballeros meaning mounted knight which emphasized the quasi-Catholic customs of the King. We are here to help you our best in any way.

Age of Doubt In Europe in the 16th Century

Disclaimer: This essay has been written and submitted by students and is not an example of our work. Please click this link to view samples of our professional work witten by our professional essay writers. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the causes of the english civil war essay and do not necessarily reflect the views of EssayCompany. The crown was placed upon his head and with that he became King Charles I of England, on June 2, Over 25 years later, his head would also symbolize the end of his reign through execution. He would become the first English monarch to be tried and sentenced to death since the monarchy's establishment, largely due to his causing of the English Civil War.

The war stemmed from a long-standing weakness of the monarch and Charles I's attempt to strengthen the figure head of a nation. However, the Civil War proved to be crucial to the political system of Great Britain and the United Kingdom, causes of the english civil war essay. The English Civil War permanently and directly shaped the balance of power between the monarch and the parliament of England. The underlying problems facing Charles I during his reign began in the 16th century. Inthe price of food in England had doubled from that of The cost then doubled again by and in the price was six times that of A great contributor to this was the importing of silver from Central and South America by Spain during this time period. Such a great increase in currency production inflated prices across Europe, including England.

Another factor causes of the english civil war essay a population increase, which led to increased demand and in turn inflation. The lower classes were not the only people affected by this time of difficulty. This act left the monarchy very vulnerable to public scrutiny. It also left many doubting the power, prestige, and divine right of the monarch Russell With the death of King James inhis son Charles took the throne. With regard to political experience, Charles had none. All he did have was royal blood and a claim to divine right. The king was deeply religious and favored the ceremonious Church of England, causes of the english civil war essay because as King he was the head of the church. This worried many members of parliament, which was dominantly Puritan.

They feared that Charles' taking to ceremonies could possibly lead to his conversion to Roman Catholicism. They also feared that he would then desire to enforce Catholicism as the national religion Lace This fear was justified by the actions of Charles in Scotland in the mids. In an attempt to further unite the nations which he ruled, he substituted Anglican worship for the Presbyterian worship which was most commonly prevalent in Scotland. This angered the large Presbyterian population and resulted causes of the english civil war essay a large revolt in Gentles Two wars were fought as a result of this conflict.

Both were failures and English soldiers retreated in great numbers in The essential reason for this was the drying up of funds to support the fighting. In a desperate attempt to increase the current taxes enforced on the public, Charles called together the Parliament which he had vowed never to call again after dissolving it three times prior Gentles By this point, the majority of the Parliament opposed the taxation put in place by the King. He had recently implemented an additional tax called ship money. This was a tax used specifically to aid the building and maintenance of the Royal Navy. The Parliament, in an attempt to restrict the power of the monarch, passed laws through legislation that called for the beheading of one of Charles' advisors, the earl of Strattford.

They also passed bills that abolished all taxes without the consent of the parliament. In addition, Royal courts were abolished that the parliament viewed as supporting the King's abuse of power. King Charles I, to prevent immediate rebellion, signed all of these bills into law Lace causes of the english civil war essay By doing so, he greatly limited his own power in an attempt for appeasement. Charles ruled peacefully for the following year until October of It was during this month that rumors spread throughout the nation of England that Irish citizens had begun a rebellion against English rule. The specifics of the rumors varied. Some claimed that over one hundred thousand English women and children had been killed by Irish mobs.

In actuality approximately four thousand English citizens were killed, and very few were women or children. Nonetheless, it was clear that action had to be taken by King Charles I. While these goings on occurred, a member of parliament who opposed the King took it upon himself to present a bill to the parliament. It proposed an even further restriction on the power of the monarch, including the nominating of all the King's advisors by the parliament. Parliament voted and the bill was passed by a very small margin. Charles responded by arresting five members of the parliament, including the composer of the bill.

King Charles I personally traveled to the next parliament meeting, only to find that the causes of the english civil war essay persons to be arrested had been notified of their arrest beforehand and had fled. The conflict between the King and the parliament had reached its breaking point, causes of the english civil war essay. Civil war was eminent Russell The two sides, those supporting the King and those supporting the parliament, built up their armed forces and raised money in anticipation of the upcoming war. On August 22, Charles I officially declared war in a public announcement and requested his supporters, the Royalists, take action to assist him in his effort against the parliamentarians as they would be known.

As in many wars, the two sides created mocking nicknames for each other. The Royalists were called Cavaliers, a reference to the Spanish word caballeros meaning mounted knight which emphasized the quasi-Catholic customs of the King. The parliamentarians were known as the Roundheads. The Roundheads were in actuality an organization of apprentices in London who cut their hair very short Lace The support for both sides displayed social variety. The lords of the various territories of England were practically evenly split between the Parliamentarians and Royalists. However, the more influential lords mainly sided with the King. These lords were also vastly skilled as riding horses and trained in fighting on horseback. This presented the Royalists with the advantage during the beginning years of the war in which large expanses of land had to be crossed during battles.

In one of the first battles, causes of the english civil war essay, the Battle of Edge Hill, the sides found it very difficult to control their vast armies. At one point, a large portion of the Royalist cavalrymen halted while the rest continued to ransack the belongings of the Parliamentarians who had been forced into retreat. This caused mass confusion on both sides fighting. It resulted in the Parliamentarians returning to the battlefield to continue fighting. The war ended at dusk with both sides agreeing to continue in the morning. This never came to be and the battle was ended with the Parliamentarians taking heavier loses than the Royalists, causes of the english civil war essay. In this way, the Royalists started the war off on a high note.

The battles for the next two years resulted in much the same way, with both sides claiming victory. However, a trend began to form in The Royalists began using military tactics from the mind of the Parliamentarian Lieutenant General, Oliver Cromwell. His strategy to send the cavalry into battle in waves proved revolutionary in these conflicts Lace He led the army into battles in which victory seemed ineffable, including many where the Royalist army outnumbered the Parliamentarian cavalry 2 to 1 and surprise attacks on the Parliamentarian bases.

The soldiers under his control fought heroically and in many cases were able to successfully drive the Royalists back to their own camps. After these battles it became clear that the war would continue on for an inconceivable amount of time. However, neither side surrendered but rather continued to recruit soldiers and raise money and supplies to fight on. In the tide of the war shifted to the side of the Parliamentarians. In the battle of Marston Moor Royalist forces were outnumbered and suffered a great defeat. Likewise, in the battle of Naseby the Royalists were defeated in a mere three hours, causes of the english civil war essay. Nearly all of their foot soldiers were killed and a large portion of their cavalry was taken out by the well strategized effort of the Parliamentarians on behalf of Oliver Cromwell Ashley This battle ended the first portion of the English Civil War.

The fighting would continue for another five years. The battles would conclude with much the same results and in the Royalists surrendered Ashley A remonstrance was quickly drafted by a member of the Parliament, Ireton. It called for many constitutional reforms and also the immediate placement of the King on trial. The King was placed on trial, by the decision of the Parliament, and was sentenced to death by execution. King Charles I causes of the english civil war essay beheaded on January 30, Gentles The beheading of the monarch meant an opportunity for the Parliament to restructure the government.

They did just that by forming the Commonwealth of England. Immediately, the Commonwealth faced foreign invasion. Thousands of Irish citizens revolted yet again and threatened to invade the island of England. However, before the army could be raised to suppress them a rebellion from within their ranks rose up Lace This mutiny was defeated soon after it began and the focus shifted to Ireland. After defeating this rebellion in the battle of Worcester, Cromwell, the Lord-General of the Commonwealth, settled into an entirely political life. He was soon disappointed by the actions of the Parliament under the new government. Instead of focusing on the political and social reforms that fueled the creation of the Commonwealth, many member of the Parliament became determined with the maintenance and expansion of their individual property Lace

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Likewise, in the battle of Naseby the Royalists were defeated in a mere three hours. Nearly all of their foot soldiers were killed and a large portion of their cavalry was taken out by the well strategized effort of the Parliamentarians on behalf of Oliver Cromwell Ashley , This battle ended the first portion of the English Civil War. The fighting would continue for another five years. The battles would conclude with much the same results and in the Royalists surrendered Ashley A remonstrance was quickly drafted by a member of the Parliament, Ireton. It called for many constitutional reforms and also the immediate placement of the King on trial. The King was placed on trial, by the decision of the Parliament, and was sentenced to death by execution. King Charles I was beheaded on January 30, Gentles The beheading of the monarch meant an opportunity for the Parliament to restructure the government.

They did just that by forming the Commonwealth of England. Immediately, the Commonwealth faced foreign invasion. Thousands of Irish citizens revolted yet again and threatened to invade the island of England. However, before the army could be raised to suppress them a rebellion from within their ranks rose up Lace This mutiny was defeated soon after it began and the focus shifted to Ireland. After defeating this rebellion in the battle of Worcester, Cromwell, the Lord-General of the Commonwealth, settled into an entirely political life. He was soon disappointed by the actions of the Parliament under the new government.

Instead of focusing on the political and social reforms that fueled the creation of the Commonwealth, many member of the Parliament became determined with the maintenance and expansion of their individual property Lace Soon Cromwell had had enough. In Cromwell, much to the dismay of the people of England, disbanded the Parliament indefinitely and became sole ruler of England Lace This granted him the power he need to pass whatever reforms he pleased, on the other hand it also directly contradicted the policy of a representative form of government that gained him power in the first place.

He announced on April 30 his appointment of men to become a representative entity in the English government. This body, headed by Cromwell as Lord Protector, successfully passed many reforms in its peaceful rule. For the first time in over nine years England experienced no conflict, politically or militaristically, in its government. One of Cromwell's greatest reforms was that of the court system. He abolished the death penalty for insignificant crimes and the court system's efficiency was greatly improved Lace In Cromwell was presented with an offer that would require much contemplation, that he accept the crown and become England's next monarch.

After great consideration he declined the offer presented by members of the representative branch of government. He continued to rule as Lord Protector until September 3, when he died of an apparent infection caused by a kidney stone Lace The death of the Commonwealth of England shortly followed that of Cromwell. Despite the reintroduction of the monarch of England, the power of the Parliament had been greatly shifted forever. Never again would a monarch be able to disregard the Parliament as King Charles I had, nor would they ever hold as much power as they had previously. Eventually and to this day, the Parliament would come to control the monarch and not vice-versa.

Due to the fighting of the English Civil War the balance of power between the monarch and the Parliament of England was shifted forever. Please provide details of your work and your ownership of it, if you don't provide any proof, your request will not be entertained. For more details, view our copyright notice. Please include as much information as you can about your request; if this is not filled in properly, your request will be ignored. Get in touch with our dedicated team to discuss about your requirements in detail. We are here to help you our best in any way. If you are unsure about what you exactly need, please complete the short enquiry form below and we will get back to you with quote as soon as possible.

Print Download. Published Date: 23 Mar Charles also foolishly chose his advisor, by selecting his best friend the Earl of Strafford, which was a he mistake as he public hated him, which led to a bad impression on the king. Another action that Gave Charles a bad impression was the amount of money that was wasted by him, by spending a hefty amount on insignificant things, such as cloths, parties and palaces. But this meant that Charles was continuously losing his money, and therefore, always ended up asking Parliament for more money. Charles found other ways to get more money, as he also need money for a war taking place against Spain at the time.

But Charles did not take any of this, as he would not allow his power to be destroyed and taken away by Parliament, and in a terrible rage of anger he made the simple decision to shut down Parliament in for 11 years, which changed England politically, as it meant that there was now less control over England, to guide its path! making this decisions also lead to consequences, as now that Parliament was gone, he needed to depend another resort to get more money. In , Charles decided made a very important economic decision to resort to the ancient custom of demanding ship money. Ship money was an ancient tax, when kings were able to order coastal towns and villages to pay for the expenses of the navy and ships.

However, Charles demanded more ship tax the following year, and intended to ask for it every year. But this gained Charles a vast amount of complaints. Especially when in , a man named John Hampden was prosecuted for refusing to pay ship tax. This made people very angry. And eventually in July ship tax was abolished. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Causes of the English Civil War. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Mar 01, Accessed January 7, com , Mar The South States of the United States dependent upon agriculture as a source of foreign and domestic exchange and therefore held a negative feeling about abolition of slavery.

Many of the Barons became upset, primarily due to the fact that many believed the battles against France had run on far too long. The King continued to command, and the Barons needed to restrict the King. The Magna Carta would ultimately limit and control the power of the King and give new and revolutionary rights to the people. King John was not succeed uccess of the Magna Carta make the Magna Carta such a prime example of Rights and Responsibilities in History. The French Catholics, led by the noble family, Guise, faced off with the leading family of the Huguenots, the Bourbons. h the freedom to choose religion , and the Presbyterians who wanted a strict Calvinist system controlled by a strong central power.

The Independents dominated the war with their New Model Army, and became an unstoppable force in England. They were led by the influential and militant Oliver Cromwell whose nickname became "Lord Protector" of the House of Commons, and captured Charles, removed the House of Lords and the Presbyterians from Parliament, and executed the "holy anointed. The English Civil War The English Civil War was a complicated, intellectual war between the two most powerful forces in England: Parliament and the King. Conflicts between the two powers began when King Charles I dissolved Parliament in because they would not give him the money he demanded to fund his war against Spain.

Parliament, who was lead by John Pym, felt that the King was showing favouritism towards the Roman Catholics, especially since Charles had recently married the Roman Catholic French Princess. Although Charles recalled Parliament in , he proceeded to dissolve the second Parliament mainly because it attempted to impeach him. John Pym, who had been prevented from being elected to the second Parliament, was re-elected into the third Parliament and was looking for revenge on King Charles. France was subjected to various civil wars and wars of religion, and the future king, Louis XIV, witnessing this period of unrest, vowed to impleme V had achieved, and the English people feared their religious freedom was being jeopardized. France and England underwent very different changes during the seventeenth century.

While France transformed from an instability, war-torn country to a united, prosperous nation, England did just the opposite. He was often in dispute with Parliaments that did not create good publicity. While the kingdom was on edge of war with Spain, James passed in Shifting powers created unsteady reigns and increased sensitivity in England. Every monarch had difficulty upholding good impressions of themselves. Complicated family ties created animosity and confusion among royal families that caused revenge to take place. Home Page The Causes Of The English Civil War. The Causes Of The English Civil War Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. The English Civil War was a concatenation of events within England, between the Royalists and Parliamentarians.

It goes without saying that the English Civil War domiciliated, through the New Model Army and reforms and schedules, including the Protectorate and Commonwealth - the results of inclement schism, contemporary constitutional and military ideals. In order to understand how and why the English Civil War unfolded, and why it inflicted such portentous change within England , Ireland and Scotland, one must grasp the causes of the English Civil War. Historians, for a long period of time, have had conflicting views on the origins of the Civil War.

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