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Character traits essay

Character traits essay

Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. Semiotics is basically what is called the study of signs in body, words, language, and sounds. Antisocial personality disorders Essay Words 1 Pages. Buy an Essay Do My Essay College Essay Help Rewrite My Essay Do My Homework Do My Math Homework. She ensures the reader has a practical daily experience that she witnessed or was told in order…. While preparing to analyze your character, make sure to read the story character traits essay. Emmett, Paul J.

What Is the Purpose

Trait The character trait of being critical or judgmental is one that is exhibited often, character traits essay, but which has a negative impact on human communication. Therefore, it may be helpful to devise ways of measure the trait of being critical or judgmental. The research on measuring the trait can be used in business environments, to understand how to foster better interpersonal relations and employee satisfaction. To properly study the character trait of being critical or judgmental, it is necessary to first keep the target population relatively narrow. This would eliminate any potential for bias and increase the external validity and internal validity of any research based on the test.

The target population could, for example, be white women between the ages of 18 and It would be helpful to further narrow down this target population to white women who are between the ages of 18 and 24 and also from…. Reference Rauscher, D. Our essential self, conditional love, and the power of a 'because. Augustine's Character as Illustrated ithin His Confessions The character of St, character traits essay. Augustine as seen within his Confessions begunwhich he wrote as a long epistle to God, in midlife, marks a distinct turning point in the life, attitudes, and values of Augustine the man. The content of Augustine's Confessions itself points to personality traits of Augustine's including honesty, sincerity, humility, piety, a capacity for self-reflection, and a desire for self-improvement.

Augustine spent his youth licentiously, and up to the point of his midlife, remained far more interested in hedonistic pursuits than in being of service to God. All of that changed for him midlife, however, precipitated by a sort of "midlife crisis" as we would call it nowadays. At character traits essay point in his life, when he was about 43, Augustine realized that none of the activities from which he derived temporary pleasure were genuinely fulfilling, and that…. Works Cited Augustine, Aurelius. In The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Vol. B Pkg. Sarah Lawall et al.

New York: Norton, Lawall, Sarah, et al. Traits of Successful riting To succeed as a writer, one ought to make use of a number of traits which are in some quarters referred to as the traits of successful writing. In this text, I list and define several traits of successful writing. Further, character traits essay, I also explain the relevance of these traits as far as my success as a writer is concerned. The four traits I list and describe in this case are part and parcel of the six traits of successful writing highlighted in the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory rubric for writing. All the six traits in this particular case include "development of ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, and presentation" iggins and McTighe The four traits of successful writing I choose to concern myself with in this case are: development of ideas, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions.

To begin with, development of ideas…. Works Character traits essay Foster, Graham, and Toni L, character traits essay. Exemplars: Your Best Resource to Improve Student Writing. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, Wiggins, Grant, and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Traits That Define a Leader Stunning: Strength in Patchett's Works Upon initial examination, character traits essay, the worlds and lives inhabited by Roxanne Coss, a glamorous opera singer who finds herself trapped by terrorists in Latin America for month on end in Bel Canto, and by Rose, who abruptly moves to a remote location in Kentucky to give birth to a daughter at a home for unwed mothers in The Patron Saint of Liars, appear to be decidedly different.

However, character traits essay, due in no small part to the fact that each of these works of literature is authored by Ann Patchett, there is an abundance of similarities between the constitution and the manifestation of fortitude that both of these women summon in situations character traits essay unquestioningly call for their respective assertion, character traits essay. The common theme in each book is that the female protagonist in both tales draws upon reserves of strength to allow her to surmount…. And certainly character traits essay men and women that have the ability to be trained, and have the character and judgment and willingness to be led before they are ready to lead, are certainly ready become military leaders.

And just as a diamond must have three properties to become a diamond -- carbon, head, and pressure -- a leader must have three properties as well -- "character, knowledge, and application" UC. In conclusion, inspiring troops as they go into harm's way is the solemn, august responsibility of military leaders. The traits that a leader must have in order to lead and inspire, include: engendering trust; be willing to assume the same risks as those he is leading; be competent and cooperative and have sound judgment; and have the character and knowledge to know what to do and when to do it. orks Cited Crandall, Character traits essay. Leadership Lessons from est Point. Works Cited Crandall, Doug.

Leadership Lessons from West Point. Harvey, Robert, character traits essay. Maverick Military Leaders: The Extraordinary Battles of Washington, Nelson, character traits essay, Patton, Rommel and others. New York: Skyhorse Publishing. Sweeney, Patrick J. Do Soldiers Reevaluate Trust in Their Leaders Prior to Combat, character traits essay. Chinua Achebe presents an archetypal patriarchal warrior with the character of Okonkwo in the novel Things Fall Apart. A round character, rather than a dynamic one, Okonkwo also epitomizes the classical tragic hero whose hubris and stubbornness prevent him from changing or recognizing what he could do to better lead his people.

Achebe uses traditional storytelling methods and a straightforward narrative style to elucidate the main elements of his protagonist. Motivated by the desire to maintain power and to fulfill patriarchal roles and norms in his society, Okonkwo ends up committing egregious ethical wrongs in order to achieve his egotistical goals, and in the end of the…. Emma is a likeable character or not. Emma is an interesting and complex character, and she can be quite unlikable, especially when she meddles in the affairs of others and does not recognize the danger of that meddling. However, in the end she shows that she has grown up, can take responsibility for her actions, and is finally ready for true love, so she is a likable character. Emma is an interesting character, but she does become likable, even though she can be callous, and is truly a snob.

Austen introduces Emma at the beginning of the book by saying, "Emma Character traits essay, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings character traits essay existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her" Austen 3. Immediately many female readers might be put off,…. References Jane Character traits essay. James Kinsley. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Biblical narrative of Genesis, the characters are less clearly defined as personalities than the heroes of Homeric epics.

Instead, their sense of moral worth character traits essay human beings is defined by their actions. Adam and Eve are the first human beings, not unique human beings in terms of their heroism. They defied the orders of God, ate the apple of the tree of knowledge, and brought sin into the world. Homeric characters are more sharply defined by their innate character traits: Odysseus is clever, Penelope is faithful, and Achilles is short-tempered but highly adept in battle. Homeric characters are also less clearly judged by their morality in the sense of their obedience to the gods. Odysseus harms the son of Poseidon and is judged harshly, even though he only blinded the Cyclops in self-defense to protect himself and his men.

But Athena values Odysseus and protects him because of his cleverness,…. September 11, changed everything. We hear sentiments such as this one often; what do they really mean? Other than the obvious -- stricter security at airports, increased demand for Middle East experts -- what really changed? Are Americans fundamentally different people than we were on September 10? Perhaps as a nation our priorities changed, but has our personality been altered? not only the unspeakable horror but how we came together as a nation -- one nation. Unity of purpose and unity of effort are how we will defeat this enemy. America has never been without military involvement in the world, at…. Bibliography Spanier, John and Steven Hook, character traits essay.

American Foreign Policy Since World War II, character traits essay. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the U. Washington, character traits essay, DC: Government Printing Office. Ethics with Character: Virtues and the Ethical Social orker -- Paul Adams Professor Paul Adams of the University character traits essay Hawaii's Myron B. Thompson School of Social ork in this peer-reviewed article explores those aspects of social work that "…are not primarily about identifying and resolving dilemmas" Adams,p. Adams delves into the "ethical tradition" -- and the potential therein -- that had its roots in "the virtues and character" of social work practitioners from Aristotle and Hippocrates to today's social workers.

In other words, how can today's social worker -- and the field of social work -- learn from the past to enhance the field ethically? This paper reviews and critiques Adams' research, which is very interesting and enlightening in the context of values, human interaction, and social work. Works Cited Adams, Paul. Ethics with Character: Virtues and the Character traits essay Social Worker. unsuccessful leaders in modern society, one will notice modern leaders considered successful are those that embrace change and work to empower subordinates and followers in a non-threatening manner, and in a manner that is consistent with other's ideologies and spiritual beliefs Siegel, This confirms the theory of transformational leadership where leaders work to enable change in an uncomplicated and organized fashion.

Complicating matters are modern notions of "transactional leadership" which suggest leaders, especially those working in an organizational context, must work to motivate people using an exact system. This system would reward and punish those who accomplished or failed to accomplish their goals Gerzon, This seems illogical however, if one considers how far leadership has come…. References Barker, R. Human Relations, 54 4 : Barnett, T.

essay reading

My last personality trait that I have is that I am optimistic. There is always that one person in your group of friends that is negative and I hate it when they try and bring the whole group down. I always tell that one person to shut up and keep an open mind. Keeping an open mind about anything just makes you an overall happier person. The psychologist that I agree with the most is Sigmund Freud. Also the way his theory is laid out is easy to understand and it actually makes sense. He theorized that personality is formed around three structures which are the id, the ego, and the super-ego. In my opinion Sigmund Freud is a genius. Everyone has so many different characteristics that it is almost impossible to name them all. If everyone had the same personality traits then life would be the same for everyone and life would be so boring!

Hi there, would you like to get such an essay? How about receiving a customized one? Check it out goo. Essays Database About Me My Personality Essay. My Personality Essay. Related Essays. Big Five Personality Traits Essay Words 5 Pages. Antisocial personality disorders Essay Words 1 Pages. In terms of disposition, Jenny manifests an imbalanced behavior. Her early childhood trauma seriously impacted her, because all she does is to run and to hide, fearing she will be abused again and again. She finds herself trapped in little, transient, phony, and inconsistent happiness.

However, this is only the image of a hysteric, insecure character, presenting soft sociopathic traits. Being like a leave in the wind, Jenny goes where the wind takes her, having no goal established, no purpose to follow. She engages in various actions, joins many groups, but in fact she cannot find herself as she cannot break away from her childhood traumas, when she was repeatedly molested, verbally, physically and sexually by her father. In terms of culture, although she is talented, as she plays guitar, she puts herself in degrading and humiliating positions, playing folk music naked in a club for drunk men who despise her, treating her like a prostitute. She is unaware of herself and of her qualities and she cannot consciously develop from a cultural point of view.

As a child she proved to be a slow learner, but she shared the little knowledge that she had with her childhood friend, Forrest, whom she taught how to read. She learning Forrest how to read, standing up for him when he was bullied, offering a seat next to her when all the other children in the bus where rejecting him, demonstrate her emotional capacity to care for somebody else and it denotes her altruistic personality. Applying this theory on Jenny, there can be observed that this character could not move to superior needs, because she did not satisfied the lower level needs. She remained trapped to her fears of knowing herself, constantly abusing herself, as a continuation of the abuses that she dealt with in her childhood.

She cannot reach self — actualization, because she cannot escape the past. She wanders around between the primary needs food, shelter and protection guaranteed by Forrest , afraid and mistrustful of achieving the love and respect of others, because she does not have these feelings for herself. Although she seemed to be living in the present, grouping with the hippies and permanently in the middle of the action, Jenny was a person caught in the past, fighting the ghost of her childhood that was hunting her present and future. Her instincts were mostly wrong and she did not manifest a positive tendency towards her existence, but repulsion and blame. Learning that although she seemed extroverted, involving herself in various activities, she was in fact introverted, hiding her fears of being abused by illogically putting herself in danger.

The humanistic holistic approach to personality developed by Abraham Maslow explains how Jenny remained in the primary needs level category, as she cannot gain her self-respect, being unable to determine others to respect her, therefore, impossible to reaching the self-actualization specific to this theory. Although Jenny seemed to be all these, she was deeply caught in the past, which was haunting her present, threatening her future and damning her soul. Burger, J. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth. Carducci, B. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing. Pervin, L. Theories of personality. New York: Wiley. Ryckman, R. Rogers, C. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Upton, C. Plymouth: Lexington Books.

We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner. Please note that we cannot guarantee that unsubstantiated claims will be satisfied. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Subscribe to WowEssays Premium and get access to over 1 MILLION high-quality downloadable samples.

GET ACCESS NOW. Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE. Type of Paper. Essay Topics. Educational Tools. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Premium samples database Get access to over 1 MILLION samples with WowEssays Premium! LEARN MORE. References Burger, J. Cite this page Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. What seems to persist from the development of leadership theory over the last three centuries, is that leaders can be made rather than born regardless of inherited socio-economic status, and that while certain traits may be more prominent or apparent in those who find themselves in positions of leadership….

References House, R. And Dorfman, P. Understanding cultures and implicit leadership theories across the globe: an introduction to project GLOBE. Journal of World Business 37, pdf Kirkpatrick, K. And Locke, E. Leadership: do traits matter? Academy of Management Executive 5 2 , pdf Pruyne, E. Conversations on leadership. Harvard Leadership Roundtable , 1- 78 Center for Public Leadership, John F. Kennedy School of Government. virtue ethics different from the other theories of ethics that you have studied so far? Ethical theories which are founded more exclusively in virtue place less emphasis on the rules that people need to be in line with and a higher focus on allowing people to foster a more quality character, such as a character which orbits around empathy and selflessness.

These character traits empower the person to make better decisions later on in life, while emphasizing the necessity for people to better understand how to eliminate certain poor traits of character, such as ones founded in greed or anger -- like vices, compulsions and addictions Cline, Aristotle, on the other hand, believed in laying out a clear distinction between intellectual and moral virtues. An individual becomes truthful by…. References Cline, A. Virtue Ethics: Morality and Character. Retrieved from: about. htm Scott, A. Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Retrieved from Angelfire. What do you know about character's personality from beginning to the end of the story?

From the book, the personality of Ponyboy, who is both the narrator and protagonist of the story, significantly changes from the start to the end. He goes through one of the most significant life changing events that end up fashioning and transforming his character from being introverted, compassionate, and mixed up regarding life to being assertive, less frightened, and shrewder and several other qualities. The author indicates what the life of an individual can be when he or she faces various life transforming situations.

In the case of Ponyboy, he commences as a young child being raised up in the life of a usual greaser. As the story progresses toward the middle, he goes through some traumatic occurrences that begin fashioning and altering his personality as he gains new opinions about life. Towards the culmination,…. Ethics Consider the three purposes of morality treated in Chapter 1. Which of these would it be easier for utilitarianism to fulfill and which could well be more difficult for that system to fully meet? Of the three purposes of morality treated in Chapter One, perhaps the easiest purpose for the ethical system of utilitarianism, as developed by the Englishman Jeremy Bentham, to meet would be to create a functional system of social ethics, or the ethical schema that holds a society together by its ethical 'glue.

For instance, the happiness of the many in my neighborhood to sleep late at…. The development of the character of his sister is in direct defiance of his personality. It is interesting to note that it is the sister who wants to have the family return to their African roots and Walter who seems to want to join the white capitalist society. In the era that the play is set it was usually the men who wanted to hold fast to their heritage while the women were content to stay home, raise children clean house and have the men make the political and societal decisions for the family. The audience gets to know the character of mama through her discussions with her children and her daughter in law.

Mama makes it clear that her deceased husband's wishes should be an important consideration in the decision about what to do with the money. The audience sees mama, initially as a weak woman who is going…. In other words, environment also plays a strong influence in human behavior. Additionally, a quality like 'sloppiness' is not due to a single trait -- sloppiness can be the result of carelessness, inattention, clumsiness, a lack of energy, or emotional resistance to an overly tidy household. However, it is important to note how 'good fortune' is defined in our society -- marriage and success at most jobs requires dealing with people.

A neurotic who cannot deal with other people well is likely unable to make the social connections required to foster what is called 'success' in life and is thus much less engage in productive social relationships like a marriage. Even weight gain…. Faced with a social system that has no place for him, Tom does not rebel or repress himself, but merely creates a place for himself by dissolving into the background, becoming part of the hidden and criminal world that is a de facto product of any inequitable social system. As mentioned above, Highsmith wrote for a number of comic books in the s, and almost all of them were concerned with white male superheroes who had been given extraordinary powers or technology.

There is a subtle joke about this fact early on, when Tom notes that his most recent victim "was a comic-book artist. He probably didn't know whether he was coming or going" Highsmith Thus, almost from the beginning Highsmith has made a connection between Tom and the world of comic books, a connection that helps explain Tom's eventual narrative journey. hen looking at Tom's story in broad…. Works Cited Haggerty, George. Queer Gothic. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, Highsmith, Patricia. The Talented Mr. New York: Vintage Books, Tuss, Alex. Ripley and Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club. Alcoholism and Upbringing Psychological theory James' father is responsible for James' involvement in crime and burglary.

Origin of the problem. Alcoholic parents are the reason for the moral decay of juveniles Another reason for James' feelings of inadequacy Effect of alcoholism in the upbringing of a child The effect of taking James out of his mother's home as a juvenile eaction formation An examination of James' denial of his responsibility over his problem Personality theory Sociological theory Personality and sociological theory An explanation of James' behaviors, and his father using the two frameworks Thorburn suggests that a misapprehension that numerous alcoholics seem to have is that their behavior does not affect other people. They deny ever hurting other people but themselves. A great deal of research and huge anecdotal proof suggest otherwise.

The behavior of alcoholics can affect those around them, including family members, friends, coworkers and employers. References Plant, M. Alcohol, drugs, and school-leavers. London: Tavistock Publications. Thorburn, D. Alcoholism myths and realities: Removing the stigma of society's most destructive disease. Northridge, Calif: Galt Pub. Floyd, M. Substance abuse: A patient-centered approach. he has lived through violence, rape, slavery, and betrayal and seen the ravages of war and greed. The old woman's story also functions as a criticism of religious hypocrisy. he is the daughter of the Pope, the most prominent member of the Catholic Church.

The Pope has not only violated his vow of celibacy, but has also proven unable and unwilling to protect his daughter from the misfortunes that befell her. Candide also displays this sense of hope in light of his many hardships. He honors his commitment to marry Cunegonde at the end of the story despite the physical abnormalities that have plagued her. Cunegonde is a young and beautiful woman at the beginning of Candide. Mirroring Candide's naive optimism, their love plays out in unrealistic romantic cliches: a blush, a dropped handkerchief, a surreptitious kiss behind a screen.

However, this romance in the shelter of the Baron's estate…. Stromberg, Roland. Personality and MBA Studies There are various personalities that are displayed by different people in the society. That is what makes up a diverse society. The personality that I am considered to be is the innovative, individualistic, versatile and entrepreneurial personality. At times this is referred to as Jungian Type Personality specifically the ENTP character. This is because I am resourceful, creative, and quick in the intellectual field. I also like to engage in debates and am excited over new ideas and always assertive as well as outspoken. I like having people around me and I have that ability to grasp concepts and apply logic to get amicable solutions BSM Consulting Inc.

Apart from my character traits, there are those values that I hold dearly to and would like to see myself applying in life and getting from life as well. Values, according to National Defense University are…. References BSM Consulting Inc. High-Level Description of the Sixteen Personality Types. html Maggie Fox, scores dead last again in healthcare study. Health and Science Editor; Reuters. communication and the differences that there are in the communication trends between men and women. They both highlight the significance of understanding the point-of-view of the other person within the conversation and allowing the other person to speak as you listen.

Both essays also highlight the possibility and cases of misinterpretation of communications and the cues therein. One outstanding one is the married couple who get into argument because the wife asked the husband if he wanted to stop for coffee and the husband turned the offer down, she misinterpreted this gesture for refusal by the husband to let her stop for coffee Tannen D. The other aspect that is central to both the essays is that the writer fondly uses examples or anecdotes to drive home her points within the essay.

She ensures the reader has a practical daily experience that she witnessed or was told in order…. References Tannen D. html Tannen D. Sex, Lies and Conversation; Why Is It So Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each Other? Oedipus Exemplifies or Refutes Aristotle's Definition of a Tragic Hero Aristotle's, the Greek philosopher definition of a tragic hero and tragedy has been influential since he set these definitions down in The Poetics. These definitions were viewed as important during the Renaissance, when scores of writers shaped their writings on the works of the ancient Rome and Greece. Aristotle asserted that tragedies follow the descent of a tragic hero or a central character, from a noble and high position to a low one.

A tragic hero posse some tragic flaws, which cause his, fall from fortune, or turnaround of fortune, and to some point, the tragic hero realizes that his own mistakes have caused the turnaround of his fortune. Aristotle also noted that the tragic fall of a hero or a central character in a play stirs up fear to the audience or the reader given that the audience sympathizes…. Work Cited Bloom, Harold. Oedipus Rex. Texas: Infobase Publishing, Grene David. Oedipus the king. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Kahan Jeffrey. King Lear: New critical essays. New York: Routledge, Madden Frank.

Exploring literature: Writing and arguing about fiction, poetry, drama and the essay. Pearson Education Canada, A malleable person can learn how to listen to novel ideas and challenge them gracefully. Instead of accepting anything that is impressed upon the mind, a malleable person can learn discernment. Young minds are more easily impressionable than older minds, which is why young people are more susceptible to peer pressure or marketing tactics. The ability to think critically can enable a young, impressionable mind to remain both flexible and strong. Children are more malleable than older adults, who often become stuck in their ways.

Habits are acquired or eliminated by being malleable and open to change. Therefore, being malleable means sometimes adopting bad habits but being equally as able to practice good habits too. Malleable persons are more likely to take criticism to heart and change to suit new situations. However, being too malleable can result in a loss of integrity or in a weak character. A person who…. eading 4. collecting information, using resources from media centers online, print and other media resources Using the media center, the children will find information on the Great Depression -- what caused it, how it affected the people of the United States and in other places of the world.

Grade level: 4th a allow students to learn skills to help them find information about topics that they need to research. This will help them immensely as they go through school. So much information is found online these days, giving students the tools to answer their own questions is a very important aspect of learning. Character Principles: Discipline -- "And that you study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as commanded you" I Thessalonians Work ethic -- "But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he…. References: HCISD Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District.

Measuring up to the Virginia standards of learning, mathematics:. Though this was a fear of the Puritans, clearly it was associated with Satan and possession of the living. In Hawthorne's works the supernatural was associated with less grand sources, such as those seen in Young Goodman Brown. Hoeltje Hawthorne allows his characters to explore concepts that would have been those deemed heretical within the Puritan settings of the works. In The Birth-Mark, Hawthorne associates the active expulsion of character traits of humanity clearly results in the death of the whole. The line of divergence in "The Birth Mark" is indicated by its name.

e all have our birth-marks, -- traits of character, which may be temporarily suppressed, or relegated to the background, but which cannot be eradicated and are certain to reappear at unguarded moments, or on…. Works Cited Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Emmett, Paul J. Gartner, Matthew. Hero One of the most pervasive archetypes in literature is the hero. The Greeks presented a complex and very human type of hero, often referred to as the tragic hero. eaders can relate especially to tragic heroes because tragic heroes have flaws. Their flaws make tragic heroes more human, and are effective protagonists even when their plans fail.

The hero who is semi-divine or divine is a less compelling story, given that few if any human beings can relate to a figure who is flawless, immortal, and possessing of unlimited strength. Graphic novels present complex characters including some that fit the definition of tragic hero. Modern literature teems with examples of heroes who are just like us: they have good intentions, they are far from perfect, and they sometimes fail. Yet embedded in the definition of hero is the imperative that the individual must be able to put aside egotism,…. References Franklin, J. The train from hate.

htm Knight, E. Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane. Bodega Dreams. unnamed narrator of Naguib Mahfouz's short story is looking for a man Zaabalawi, what Zaabalawi represents to him, what Zaabalawi wants from him and what the illness is of which the narrator complains. Also, we will discuss how Mahfouz describes each character and how their perceptions of Zaabalawi reflect their own personalities. In addition to this, we will examine what the characters' traits have in common, as well as how they are different. In essence, the most interesting aspect of teaching the meaning of this story is to realize that at its root the story is mystical and to understand it one must travel into the spiritual badlands of mysticism that unite all religions.

It is in this wilderness that the narrator has any hope of finding meaning for his senseless loss. Death, the greatest malady of humanity is also its greatest mystery and requires special revelation to endure and…. References "Judaism: Jewish Mysticism Kabbalah and the Sefirot. NVCC, 13 March Umilta, kill a Mocking Bird's Aticus Finch Defined as one of the best novel of the 20th Century, and selling more than "30 million copies around the world" having it's translation in more than 40 languages Flood , the book "To Kill a Mocking Bird" has been considered as a true reflction of the American society in The story revolves around the story of the racial differences that exist in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama. The story is being narrated by the six-year daughter of the lawyer Atticus Finch, Scout Finch.

The main plot revolves around the trial of Tom Robinson, a black man who has been accused of raping a white girl, and is being defended by Atticus. The story from the point-of-view of the child continues to be narrated, despite being forbidden to attend the court proceedings, as they hide themselves in the colored gallery. Facing a town…. Works Cited Flood, Alison. Harper Lee breaks silence - just - for Mockingbird anniversary. This is simply a strategic and crafty way of ensuring that none of the solider back down from the task at home, since there's a very strong and very implied message at stake.

This message is that if any of the soldiers back down, they'll have God to answer to, for what they refused to engage in was in fact a holy mission. The young king is simply being crafty and strategic. It would be a mistake to interpret these actions as a sign that he's more religious and devout than other kings. However, some scholars do make this mistake a repeatedly. The Archbishops assert that 'God and his angels guard your sacred throne. Works Cited Corrigan, P. Shakespeare on Management: Leadership Lessons for Today's Managers. Dover: Kogan Page Limited, Garber, M. Shakespeare and Modern Culture. Marx, Steven. English Department Cal Poly.

Women Similarities and Separation in Two Sorry Women It is impossible to discuss the nature of femininity or what it means to be a woman without some discussion on child bearing and rearing. While modern feminist movements have rejected the notion that child bearing abilities should define women's roles in culture or society, the fact is that it is this physical capability that has defined women's roles in many cultures and still does in many remaining cultures. Literature has often explored what these shifts in individual and societal perception mean and what the personal implications are for women, and Karen Van Der Zee's A Secret Sorrow and Gayle Godwin's "A Sorrowful Woman" are two prime examples.

These stories both explore what motherhood and the capability to bear children means to a modern or at least semi-modern woman, showing that the personal nature of the self and of maternal instincts can…. This 'floating' use of body parts and fluid use of human and mouse anatomical characteristics is another distinct feature of the graphic style of Maus. Frame 6 In this frame, we discover the source of the father's displeasure with Mala. Mala was putting Artie's coat on a wire hanger. The petty nature of this tantrum indicates the stress under which Artie's father labors.

He is angry about small things, despite having recently suffered some permanent tragedies heart problems and the suicide of his wife and tragedies in the past. This suggest that the father projects his frustrations and anger about the past into the present and gets angry at relatively minor matters because of his inability to deal with his past experiences. It also is a clue as to why he has heart trouble. The father's irascible character traits are underlined in the explanatory voice-over by the narrator Artie, who…. War is a fact of life, a terrible fact of life, but when it is willed by the gods it cannot be ignored.

Achilles does have some positive moral characteristics: although he spends much of the Iliad retreating from the fighting, he is clearly not a coward, in contrast to the Trojan Paris. He wants to fight, but his honor is too bruised. Furthermore, Achilles harbors a deep and abiding affection for his friend Patroclus, and the Greeks idealized this type of male friendship often more than husband-wife relationships. When Hector kills Patroclus in battle, because he believes him to be Achilles, Achilles is thrown into a frenzy of grief. He puts aside the slight done to him by Agamemnon, and vows to kill Hector.

Still, unlike Hector, who is repeatedly shown rallying the Trojans to fight in more glorious ways through his wise leadership, Achilles' bravery is often emotional,…. Defense of Lucy Steele hile the character traits of Miss Steele seemingly leave much to be desired in the area of respectability by today's standards, her actions can be clearly understood when the setting and time is examined during which Sense and Sensibility was written. In England during the early s, the economic future of a young woman depended solely upon her entering into a marriage with a man of means. Life for women in the s was completely dictated by male rule, and if a young woman was not successful in "winning" a husband for herself, her future was bleak, indeed.

A woman could not announce her intention to remain single without attracting social disapproval, nor could she follow a desired profession since all professions were all closed to women. In a situation so utterly desperate, desperate measures were clearly in order, and Lucy Steele merely did what she…. Works Cited Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility. TOR Classics. Tom Doherty Associates, Inc. Bishop, Bridget. Partial Transcript of Examination. Commentaries on English Law. Yale Law School. Concrete The gender and the name of the narrator in Jeanette interson's ritten on the Body is not explained to the reader in a clear manner. However, despite this lack of information, there are still character traits about the narrator which can be ascertained in the text.

For example, the narrator has at some point both a male lover, Bruno, and a female lover, Louise indicating that they are bisexual. In discussing his or her relationship with the male Bruno, the narrator also explores their relationship with religion. After seeing the narrator's understanding of religion and his or her own level of belief, the reader can ascertain certain indications of the narrator's larger personality. At one point in the novel, the narrator talks about how they decided to go to church one Sunday. He or she says, "Not because I wanted to be saved, nor because I wanted solace from…. Works Cited: Winterson, Jeanette. Written on the Body. New York: Knopf, Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp.

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